Back to the story
me: You :))
Lily: Why are you thinking about me?
me: because you're so damn pretty
Lily: and? makes no sense.
me: I like you
Lily: lol seriously?!
me: Yes, I got love at first sight
Lily: gross
me: Yes Ikr I don't believe in love at first sight until now
Lily: because you've met me? jkjk
me: Haha yes lol
Lily: Well, it's getting late I better go to sleep
me: Aw ok
Lily: Let's chat tomorrow
me: okay :) Good night!
Lily: Good night! Bye!
me: Bye!
*active 5 minutes ago*
I felt in love when I was talking to Lily.
The feeling I didn't feel before.
This feeling is different.
I talked to Emma for help.
me: Emma!
Emma: what?!
me: How long have you been friends with Lily?!
Emma: *best friends uhm about 3 years
me: so probably you know her well?
Emma: maybe like 80%..?
me: oh ok, I think...
Emma: what?! you think what?!
me: I think I'm in love
Emma: with who?!
me: with Lily
Emma: emergad
me: lol, does she like someone?
Emma: ye she's in love
me: what?! does the boy like her?!
Emma: uhm no sad truth the boy has a girl friend
me: Aww
Emma: ye
me: Can I court her?
Emma: lol you ask her that and ask papa
me: Aw ok, but I think Lily will say no because she hasn't meet me and only known me for hours
Emma: nothing is impossible
me: Hehe ok, I'll try to convince uncle
Emma: good
me: anyways good night need to sleep
Emma: lol ok good night!
me: bye!
The next morning... I messaged Lily
Lily: good morning!
But sadly it was 6am and she wasn't awake yet .... So I need to wait for hours for her to go online
*after 3 hours*
*messenger sound*
*checks messenger*