°Chapter 1°

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Surprisingly, getting to school didn't take me as much time as it usually does. I basically ran all the way to the school gates, smiling the whole way.

As I approached the gates, I could see the faint figure of my best friend, Fujimoto Keiji. Keiji is in the year above me, and we've known each other for as long as I can remember. We're both Japanese/Korean, so we used to live in the same neighborhood with other kids that were half Korean, half Japanese, so we've managed to pick up on some of the Korean customs and mannerisms while still practicing Japanese customs and mannerisms. Both of our mothers were born in South Korea and our fathers were born in Japan. We lived very close to each other because our mothers were best friends.

"Keiji-ah! Guess what!!!" I exclaimed. "Ah, Akira-chan. What have I told you about using the proper honorifics of a language?" he said with an exasperated sigh and a roll of his eyes (A/N: I'm not even sure if that's the proper honorific). I rolled my eyes at him before continuing. "I got my key. Room 305! I officially have my own apartment! And for a great price, too! Only ¥82152.00 (800 American Dollars)." I say grinning up at him. "Really? That's great! But you shouldn't be living in an apartment all by yourself. You're a woman! What if someone breaks in and tries to rob you? And don't you think that the price seems a little sketchy? From the way you're speaking, this apartment is pretty nice." he rambled. I waved my hands while telling him to stop. "What are you talking about?! The price is wonderful; I've found myself a nice deal! And, besides, you don't have to worry, Keiji-ah. I can handle myself, and you know that." I said smiling up at him, completely ignoring his sexist comment.

Keiji had always been like an older brother to me. When we were younger, he would always watch out for me and take up for me when the other classmates would pick on me. They used to talk about how I wasn't completely Japanese, and sometimes, they'd even go as far as calling me a half-breed (which upset me because I felt they were comparing me to an animal). He knew how cruel the kids could be, so he made sure to stay by my side and protect me.

"I know, Akira-chan; I never said you couldn't. I just don't feel comfortable knowing that, if something were to happen, I wouldn't be just a call away. I would be several miles away. I'd feel absolutely terrible if you were harmed and I couldn't be there to protect you." He continued to walk into the school while looking at the ground. I knew he would feel awful if something were to happen to me. That's just the way he was and had always been.

The feeling around us was serious and sad. I began to feel uneasy as we walked in the building towards the open cafeteria area, so I decided to ease the stiff atmosphere and lighten the mood. I smirked before I walked up beside him and spoke Korean. "You know, you talk a lot about me not being able to protect myself. But, it seems you've forgotten about that time we went camping when we were younger. I remember it quite well, so I suppose I'll have to refresh your memory." My smirk widened at the look of pure horror in his eyes. "You wouldn't." "Oh. But I would." I said. By now, I looked like the Cheshire cat because the look on his face looked hilarious.

Before our conversation could continue, we heard the loud screams of the girls in our school. We looked up to see what all the commotion was about and saw that it was just Uehara Hisashi walking into the school.

This wasn't an unnatural occurrence; it happens EVERY.SINGLE.DAY! And to make matters worse, they weren't in just the presence of one of the top four in our school. No, they were "blessed" with being in the presence of two of the top four in the school. And I'm sure they were all feeling very lucky.

'Uehara Hisashi of the 2nd year and Fujimoto Keiji of the 3rd year. Yup, they were definitely feeling blessed.'

Quite a few girls were surrounding us and screaming at the top of their lungs because, as you know, Keiji is one of the top four. It kind of sucks because there's always someone following us, or squealing very loudly when we walk by, and some even go as far as threatening me for hanging out with Keiji. On the bright side, we receive lots of food and chocolates, so I guess it's not that bad.

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