The First Adventure we Embarked upon, Day 1 - The Beforemath

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"All men are fools, and all men are knights where women are concerned."
-George R. R. Martin, A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms
Chivalry's POV
I sighed as I returned into the throne room of the king, and he seemed unhappy to see that I've returned alone. "Where are the others?" He inquired. My response was low and mope-ish, "Dead, and as such, were not able to return." He had a look of pure shock, "But... the strongest knight of the kingdom lead the charge, how, no... who killed your legion?" I looked down, knowing he wouldn't like the only answer I had, "We couldn't see them, they attacked us from behind, and before we could turn around, another squadron flanked us from the left. The captain was the first to go, and I was the only one to escape. I know you don't wish to hear what I just spoke." When I returned my gaze to his face, he didn't seem angry, disappointed, or inquisitive. He simply seemed to be defeated, "Thank you... brave-" "My name is Chivalry, if you didn't remember." He gained a small smile at this, "Thank you, brave Chivalry. You may now be dismissed." I gave him a small bow, "My pleasure, m'lord." I turned around and exited the large double doors.
-King's POV-
'Something seems off about that knight...' "M'lord! Now announcing the arrival of the priest, Sir Abstinence." 'Hmm... some good may come out of this.'
-Chivalry's POV-
As I was walking out, I passed a large man, wearing a strange set of clothes, of which I did not make note of, for I had already set my course for home. The area immediately around the castle was, more or less, the rich people's district. All the houses and/or misc. buildings, were made of marble and metal. They were extremely extravagant, and at night, seemed to glow. I did not live here. I continued walking, until I entered the merchant district, it had fewer, but larger, buildings, they were less extravagant, but were made out of sturdy stone. I did not live here either. I kept pushing forward, not as easy now, because of the bustling crowds. I eventually got through, and landed with a soft whump on the ground in, essentially, the poor people's district. Each district has a name, I just can't remember them right now. As I slowly got up, being careful not to place my hand in a horse-pie. I heard laughter bursting out from someone in front of me, and when I looked up, I saw my younger brother, and he was releasing an uncontrollable amount of laughter. His eyes were even tearing up. Under my helmet, I gave him a scowl, then a smirk. I swiftly spun around on the ground, and swiped my leg out, kicking his from under him. He landed on his rump, in the mud. After an exact count of five, we both burst out with laughter, holding our stomachs, trying to breathe. After a bit, we both got up, and went home.
-To be continued-
The first adventure we embarked upon, Day 2 - Meeting Each-other.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 03, 2016 ⏰

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