if i shitpost one more tim. E *tw hanging

38 6 2

i can feel the worms in my belly i can feel them eating me alive worms worms worms worms worms worms

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i can feel the worms in my belly i can feel them eating me alive worms worms worms worms worms worms

id k she looks like SH e s drunk or something hahahah dude i'm so fuckin g pissed can i just yell for a SE cknd

i know this asshole and i hate her but last year i adopted her into our friend group to be nice but she turned into an absolute bitch a n d holy shit she tryna guilt me j to going to shit with her but nah but now she's having this birthday thing n my mom wants her to go but her dad makes me rlly rlly rlly rlly rlly fucking uncomfortable and WO. Ah i'm just rlly tir Ed of living rn

art or whatever Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt