After having Civics it's time for the math class
Well some of us are excited about it because it's a new lesson but i'm a bit nervous because i thought that it will be hard, but having the first lesson OMG it's so freaking easy because its just like last years lesson "fraction"
So all of us had perfect scores no one had mistakes and we had an advance reading while vacationAfter having math its
So me and Cassy ran into the other class/section and called Khristel
While walking down to the ground floor we talked about our subjects and we talked about our summer vacation.We saw abby eating with Emman and we came there to eat with them, It was so fun having new friends and a new classmate, it was also fun when someone can relate with you
We shared our food and after that we ate ice cream and moreAbby is a talented girl she is an artist, a singer, she can play instruments, and she can dance
Well almost all of my friends/classmates can sing, dance almost all kinds of talents
(After lunch, and goodbyed to each other)
(In class)Abby: Hey! Cassy,Sophia
Me and Cassy: what?
Abby: who's the guy that can fix a rubik's cube fast?
Cassy: that guy?
Me: ahhhh, that's Justine!.... wait!, you have a crush on him??😄😄
Abby: What?!?! No!! I mean ummm... (blushing)
Me and Cassy: ayieeee!!! You have a crush on him!!! OMG!!!!😆😄😆😄
Abby:Ok! Yes!(A few moments later)
Me and abby drew some undertale characters and had some talk about undertale (but my favorite before undertale is creepypasta until now actually) it was so fun that someone can relate with me and we shared food and sometimes we exchange shoes
Sometimes i give her the answers whe she has no assignment in math (but only when its time for math, sometimes it's too late)
Its music time she also plays a guitar
Well were not team mates but its okay🖒
After many many classes
Its time to go home but i spent it first with my friends we ate lots of food🌯🍟🍗🍜🍦🍡🍢🍫🍬☕🍯
We said our good byes
Me:bye! Cassy,Khristel, see you tommorow!!!!🏫