Third To The Last Chapter

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The third pearl was white. Or rather, it was

transparent. It was not light, but it diffused

light. On looking at it, one was enlightened.

One could see the right path to follow, the

counsel one could suggest, the solution one

had been looking for for such a long time. By

means of this pearl, life became

straightforward, things fell into place as well

as relationships between creatures, with their

original transparency. In giving this pearl to

the Newborn Child, the King wished to hand

over to him all his wisdom ; his intelligence

and his spirit.

So it was that the King, holding tightly onto

his casket containing these three unique

pearls set out on foot. As you can imagine, the

journey was very, very long and more than

once the procession had to stop on the way

because of unforeseeable events. When he

arrived at last in the country where the Star

stood still, the King noted a strange noise

coming from the surrounding towns and

villages. It was like a great lament that

nothing could console. The King's heart was

torn with grief and he was wondering what

it could be when one of his heralds came to

tell him that a barbaric order from Herod had

spread death and destruction in the homes of

the Jews, by slaughtering all male children

under the age of two. Hardly had the herald

finished his horrifying story than a woman

with a tortured expression on her face burst

into the inn where the King had stopped over.

She was clasping to her breast a child with

terror visible in his eyes and she said she was

being pursued by Herod's murderous men.

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