The Little Mistake

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Authors Note: Hey! This is my first story I've even wrote. I am sorry for any errors, and CONSTRUCTIVE criticism would be wonderful. I hope you enjoy it. :)

Chapter 1

A new mother with two kids, a little girl named Ashley and a baby boy named Brian. Both children's fathers were gone or just not in the picture.

The mother had no help or idea what she was doing. Bouncing between jobs, funding her addiction she needed assistance desperately.

She had been visiting an old friend small town in Iowa. As the kids stayed at home with a sitter, she went out.

She finally arrived to a small, run down bar called Two of a Kind. The place was packed and the bartender was well occupied. She pushed her way to the pool table to see if you could score some free drinks.

About nine guys were huddling around the pool table, wagering, smoking and of course drinking.

Most of the men where older, with scruffy beards and beer bellies. There was a guy that stuck out.

He had a brown, James Dean hair, piercing grey eyes and an old Oakland Raider tee shirt. He was 6'1 and about as ripped as they come.

He was no stranger to this town, in fact, he had been there all his life. He literally just gotten back from overseas.

She walked over to him and made her intentions clear, just like every other female who saw him. They talked till closing time and she went home with him.

"Um Mary? Its almost noon. You should probably get going." Tom said with a large amount of awkwardness.  

Mary sighed and got out of the almost strangers bed. Tom gave her his number and she left.

She called her friend for a ride. Thirty minutes later, she hopped into the car and explained her night. Her friend nodded and did the occasional "oh". It seemed like the typical one night stand, but he was wrong.

The time they spent together grew. Tommy finally met Marys children and Mary met Tom's parents. Tom fell in love with her children and loved hanging out with the kids more than her. He started to fall out of love with Mary.

Seeing how much she was gone, how her addiction grew, he took on the father figure for Bryan and Ashley.

He also moved in and got a better paying job. The more he supported the family, the more Mary slipped away. She cheated multiple times and her absents was the norm, until one New Years Eve.

Authors Note: To anyone who is actually reading this, if you see any errors please politely let me know in the comments. What do you think? I should update again some time soon. Thanks :)

Chapter 2

Mary was out at a New Years Eve party. It was extremely crammed and the air smelt like fermented vomit. Tom was no where in sight. She knew she was about to do what she did best.

"Ken! Where's the fridge?", Mary yelled.

"Over here.", Ken gestured.

She grabbed a bottle and drank up. Bottle after bottle, she was wasted. Everything was either a blur or spinning around. Suddenly, everything blacked out. Ken coaxed her into bed.

As the walk of shame home took her dignity, she gained something; a baby girl.

When she got home, questions were raised. Where she stayed was a mystery and what she did had to stay to herself as well.

Authors Note: Hey! For anyone reading this, thank you and give me some feed back please? Any favorite characters? Anything I need to edit? Thanks :)

Chapter 2

Months had pasted. Weird hormones where taking control and she started to have second thoughts. Even though this would be her third time carrying a baby, the guilt was unbearable. She had to hide the fact that the baby wasn't Toms and needed to keep the resent past a secret.

Tom was so happy about the baby. The only thing he was unsure about was if it was his, but he never cared. He wanted this baby more than anyone. He wanted his own little girl.

As it became more noticeable, Tom could not keep his mouth shut about his hopefully little girl. His coworker were annoyed and begged for the baby to come already. His parents were excited and already started buying baby clothing. Marys parents... not so much.

At home and in her pajamas, Mary received a call. She immediately answered. It was her mother, giving horrid news. Mary was needed in her hometown.

Mary's grandmother was on her death bed. The cancer had spread and at this stage, there was nothing they could really do. Her skin was pale, so pale you could see her veins in her neck branching out to her brain. She was skinnier than usual and could see the outline of her bones. She looked as if peaceful death would be a blessing, from all of the fighting, but she would not give up. Finally, one cold day, she became very tired and let go.

Her last words to Mary were, "Take care of that baby, no matter what."

Authors Note: Sorry this chapter is so short. For any of you readers out there, thank you! :)

Chapter 3

"Drive! Just shut up and drive!!!!!" Mary exclaimed in pain. Tom sped well over the speed limit through the small town.

Finally arriving at the hospital,Tom got his wish. He was the father of a baby girl. She was perfect to him, big silver eyes and bleach blonde hair. She looked so much like him as a child. Maybe she was his? But he didn't care. She was his baby girl.

This child needed a name. Dorian? No. Lyndsey? No. Grace? No. California.

California was her name, but she was going to go by Callie. Tom felt that the name just fit. The meaning of the name Callie is beautiful. Sadly, her life will be anything but.

Years passed. Tom and Mary were no longer in love. Ashley was living with her father. Brian was a rambunctious toddler who loved destruction and being nude.

Tom and Mary finally got married. Tom adopted Brian as his own and supported the kids as much as he could. Mary was out, a lot.

About seven months later, Tom and Mary received a very expected divorce. Tom received the kids, and Mary got everything else.

A few months later, Mary was gone. She moved to Arizona with a new boyfriend, leaving the kids behind.

Brian and California had no idea what was going on. There was no goodbye, no hugs, no kisses. Just a voice message.

"Tom, I'm going to Arizona with Henry. Bye.", is what the message played.

Brian fussed and fussed until Tom would give him an answer. California was confused. She didn't quite understand, but she knew mommy was gone. Maybe she would be back tomorrow? Mommy will be back.

Mary did come back, two years later. It had been years since she even talked to the kids, let alone Tom. Henry dumped her and she needed somewhere to stay, so she went home.

The kids didn't recognize her. Tom pulled her aside to talk to her.

"They don't remember you.", he whispered.

"What?! Of course they do! I'm their mother", Mary shouted. She ran to her kids and announced her title.

Brian was starting to come around, but California was still unsure. At this point, Mary was in tears and Tom was trying to keep his composer.

California and Brian collaborated. They both dashed to their room. California, managed to fall up the stairs on the way up. They grabbed a tattered photo and raced back outside. Mary was indeed their long, lost mom.

For being very young, they we remarkably intelligent. California was already reading,writing, but she loved to paint and cook. Brian was more into getting into cars and Legos.

Tom was doing a pretty good job, even though we had to skip a few meals and the bills weren't always paid on time. They were poor, but happy.

There was a small apartment above their house that they used to help pay the bills. Tom told Mary she could live there, until she got on her feet.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 21, 2013 ⏰

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