Chapter 13

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Chloe's POV

Matt slept and slept and slept. I didn't mind, it gave me the chance to get over our altercation, to try and recover a little. My head was aching, my throat felt like I swallowed glass, so while he slept, I took a few pain killers and dozed myself.

I woke up and he was still asleep and when I headed into the bathroom, the first thing I noticed were the marks on my neck. They looked worse than they were and I knew in a few days they'd be beautiful bruises, bruises in the shape of Matt's finger's.

I didn't want him to see this. I knew he wasn't himself and I knew he didn't mean, so he didn't have to know any of this happened. I was afraid if he found out it might set him back and I didn't want that happening, not now, he'd made it to day 6 already, I didn't want him going backwards.

He finally surfaced around four pm and I was pleased to see the sleep had done him wonder's, he looked and sounded so much better, and even better, he felt a little hungry. It was good to see he had an appetite back, hopefully it would stay.

Matt was the one who suggested we get something to eat and I felt a little hungry myself so we made our way down to the dining room.

Matt kept looking at me and looking at the scarf I had around my neck, asking me if I was okay. I realised I probably looked stupid, but I really didn't want him to see, so when he asked if I was getting sick I told him I was. A little lie wouldn't hurt.

Well I thought that until Jerry and his roaming eye and loud mouth came in. For some reason Jerry had decided he hated Matt and he liked to taunt him, but now he was saying things and I just wanted him to shut his trap.

How the fuck did he even know anyway? Things were meant to be confidential here, yet Jerry knew what Matt had done and unfortunately soon Matt was going to know what he did too.

Jerry was baiting Matt and Matt was snapping back. I jumped when he snapped, I couldn't help it. I wasn't really frightened of him, just a little wary.

Finally Caitlin dragged Jerry away, but not before he'd said enough, too much and I knew Matt would probably start asking questions. As Jerry left he turned, smiling and winking at me and I felt my stomach churn. Now that guy I was frightened of, there was just something about him that made me uncomfortable.

We finished eating in silence and I ate very little, my throat was sore and now I was on edge. Matt kept looking at me and I could see he was confused by what Jerry had said.

We headed back up to the room and I thought maybe I'd escaped an explanation. He was silent on the way to the room and then he asked about our plans, what we were doing, not mentioning anything Jerry had said.

"Show me." He suddenly said, looking at me.

"Matt, no." I said smiling at him, trying to play down everything, I really didn't want it to be a big deal.

"Chloe show me." He snapped and I jumped at the harshness of his voice.

I reached up and loosened the scarf, pulling it off and watching his face. He looked at my neck, his eyebrow's creasing, then I saw it, the disappointment, the disgust with himself.

"It's okay." I said looking at him, reassuring him. "It happens." And it did, it had happened to other's before, it's just this was my first time.

"Jesus Christ." He cried. "What am I?"

Poor Matt, he looked so distressed and Jerry calling him a woman beater hadn't helped.

"Matt you're you." I said softly. "That's all and this." I motioned to my neck. "This wasn't you, not at all, I know that."

He looked at me and the pain in his eye's was so obvious. "I can't believe it." He whispered. "Jesus Christ."

He turned and walked into his room, shutting the door softly.

I wanted to go after him but I didn't, right now I was pissed and I had a bigger problem to deal with.

I picked up the phone, listening to it ring.


"It's me." I snapped. "We have a problem, a big one, get up here now." And I slammed down the phone, angry.

What had happened with Jerry shouldn't have happened and I wanted to find out who the fuck had the big mouth.

Marcus had barely walked in the door before I let it rip. I told him everything and he knew I was pissed.

"Are you serious?" He asked me, looking as shocked as I felt. "Jerry knew?"

"Yeah he fucking knew and he made a big deal out of it." I snapped. "And I'm pretty sure by the time Jerry finishes, everyone will know."

"I'll find out who it was." Marcus said softly. "I mean the choice is limited, there was only a few of us here."

"Yeah well don't be surprised if Matt doesn't check himself out and go and get drunk somewhere." I snapped, his answer not good enough. "He's pretty disappointed in himself."

Marcus sighed. "Look Chloe, leave it with me, I'll sort it out and you." He said touching my arm. "You sort Matt out, you're one of my best Chloe, I know you can handle this."

I watched him leave and I sighed. I hoped I could handle this, but my little encounter with Matt had scared me and my self confidence was a little low. All it would take was for Matt to raise his voice and I think I'd be a blubbering mess.

"Harden the fuck up." I whispered to myself, sneaking over to Matt's room and opening the door softly.

He was on his bed, curled on his side, sleeping. I was glad he was sleeping again, he needed it, his body needed it.

I closed the door quietly and headed into the bathroom, inspecting my throat. The marks weren't so bad, not at all and in a week or so they'd be gone anyway. It wasn't a big deal, not to me anyway.

I decided I might as well go to bed early too and I climbed into bed, leaving my door open. I wanted to be able to hear if Matt woke up and I was worried he would wake up and try and sneak out.

I drifted off to sleep, and I fell into a sound sleep, so sound that when Matt woke up I didn't hear him at all.

Luckily for me, he came to my room, he came to me.

"Chloe." He whispered from my bedroom door.

"Huh what?" I mumbled, turning on my lamp, feeling a little confused.

"Chloe I'm sorry." He said and I looked at him.

"Matt, please stop apologising." I said, seeing distress on his face. "It's over and done with, so please no more."

Much to my surprise he nodded his head in agreement, but I felt my chest tighten when I saw a tear fall down his cheek.

"I've ruined my life." He whispered, wiping at his face.

"No you haven't." I whispered, holding out my arm's.

What the fuck was I doing? Holding out my arm's to this man, to this alcoholic I was meant to be helping. What the fuck was I thinking?

It was a stupid decision on my part, offering affection, but before I could put my arm's down Matt had climbed onto the bed and into my arm's.

I took a deep breath and did the only thing I could.

I held him.

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