Part 1 : Dragon slayers acting weird

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One day after Fairy Tail and Sabertooth's war with Tartaros , the dragon slayers started acting funny as in not drunk funny , but mating season funny.

Natsu was staring at Lucy's behind

Gajeel was holding levy

Levy : Gajeel please let me go I want to take a job ?

Wendy was purring on Romeo , when Carla tried to stop her but failed .

Carla : Wendy Stop that child it isn't polite to do that to a boy especially your friend .

And Laxus was staring at Mira

At the Sabertooth's guild hall

Sting was looking at yukino's butt behind the bar the entire time.

Rogue was looking at Kagura since Yukino , Kagura and Minerva got along , and Minerva noticed this so Minerva left for a job and decided to go and visit fairy tail later to see if the dragon slayers are acting funny just like Sabertooth's dragon slayers.

Minerva's POV : Somethings up with Sting and Rouge lately I think I'll ask their Exceed's then when I get my answer , then I'll go to fairy tail for some answers because I'm thinking that all of the dragon slayers are acting like this as well.

Back at fairy tail

Lucy : uh Natsu can I at least take a solo job ?

Natsu : ( holds Lucy ) No if you're going on a job I wanna go with you !

Lucy : no Natsu I'm going to take a solo job ?

Natsu : ( starts to beg ) Please , Please , Pretty Please with a cherry on top with sprinkles.

Lucy : I said no

Natsu : ( snatches the paper out of Lucy's hand )

Lucy : hey give that back I was reading th- ( whimpers )

Natsu : ( angry glare ) need Help destroying dark guilds 20,000 jewel !

Mirajane : ( smiles ) Lucy I would take Natsu with me if I were you .

Lucy : ( whimpers ) okay !

3 hours later

Natsu : WE'RE BACK .

Mirajane : how was the job you too ( smiles ) ?

Lucy : it was good ! ( goes to the job board )

Natsu : ( smirks and follows Lucy )

Lucy : ( why does he keep following me , all of these dragon slayers are acting weird , I need to figure this out soon )

Natsu : ( stands behind Lucy )

Lucy : ( picks up a job request )

Job paper : HELP !!! Defeat two giant monsters in the forest ?

Reward : 5,000 jewel

Lucy : ( runs to Mira ) Mira can I take this job please ?

Mirajane : ( smiles ) sure Lucy , good luck .

Lucy : ( runs out of the guild hall quickly )

Guild members : hey what's up with dragon slayers and Lucy , they've been acting weird lately !

Gray : I know right it's like they're being possessed or something .

Natsu : ( you can't hide from me Lucy , I'll find you even if it means to take something from you ) .

Levy's POV : I hope Lu-chan's okay , I wonder what's going to happen with the dragon slayers soon .

With Lucy at her house

Lucy : I need to go to the library and find out what's going on with those dragon slayers their has to be something I can find ! ( leaves out the doors )

At the library

Librarian : ( smiles ) hello Ms. how may I help you today ?

Lucy : Hello I'm looking for a book about dragons ?

Librarian : ( smiles ) of course just go to the right you should see the D isle and they should have a book about dragons somewhere in that section .

Lucy : ( smiles ) thank you so much .

In the D isle

Lucy : Dragons , Dragons ( picks up a book ) Dragon Season  , Huh guess it'll do !

Librarian : ( smiles ) okay have a good , day .

Customer : thank you so much , you too ?

Lucy : ( walks to the librarian )

Librarian : ( smiles ) find anything you would like ?

Lucy : yes I'd like to by this book please !

Librarian : ok that will be 500 jewel ?

Lucy : ( takes out 500 jewel ) here you go .

Librarian : ( scans the book ) their you go have a good day ?

Lucy : ( smiles ) thank you so much ( leaves through the door )

Outside at nightfall

Lucy : now I have to figure out what this means , just to get information from this book.

Narrator : what's going to happen in next part of the book of dragon season find out next time !!!

End of part 1

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