Three days pass after the accident but then being forced to tell her two brothers & sister unexpectedly due to her girlfriend's paranoia... Everyone is shook by the truth and what will happen next....
" Who's to blame?
Will the pain ever die...
I was tired of everybody hurting me and the people I love... No more victim, I'm gonna get through this. Every and anybody that hurt me or somebody I love is gonna pay... Revenge is coming and I'm not giving up til I get it.
However first I needed to be truly honest with myself, so I wrote this down...
Ibeenhurtanddeceived by someoneI never thoughtcouldhurtmethewayhedid... Ilostanunbornchildwhowillalwaysberemembered... AttemptedSuicidemoretimesthen I'dcaretoadmit... Beenwronglyaccusedofthingsthatdestroyedanychanceofarelationshipwithmymother besides the drugs... Ihavecameclosetoseeing the girlIlovewithallmyheart diein frontofmeandbeenthrough hell andbackwith...
MypastbuiltmeuptosomethingIwasn't... " Avictim " Howevertechnically I was of manythings; Avictimofrape, childabuse, kidnapping, etc. Iamgreaterthanthatbecause I amstrongerthanIever given myself creditfor... IexperiencedpainandlovebutIalsofoundmyselfinthemixof Everything...
Hoping to be able to freshly start over and chase my dreams leaving this pain behind me and soon enough we got these tattoo's, which surprisingly was Ka' Liya's idea. Mine was on my rib but Ka' Liya decided to get hers on her calf.
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* A/N It's the roman numerals of their anniversary date... 7.29.13 *
Then I did something I should have done months ago. I proposed to Ka' Liya... She said... Yes!
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For the mayor of all my pain and others too, Quan.
My Best Friend Quan, of all people I never suspected him to cause so much heart ache to my life... It took a lot of forgiveness that I would need for myself to go through with what was the right thing to do.
My family was proud of me for turning him in to the cops, especially dad. Who is still so lucky to be with us after getting early release and on parole. I don't know what any of us four kids would've done without him.
As for Quan, he ratted out everyone in a matter of minutes telling the full story, my story... This story.