We Didn't Plan This...

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Author's Note: SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO sorry that I didn't update. I went to a friends house and completely forgot!!

Niall's POV

We've been back for a couple days and as I laid in bed Nat walked in with a scared look on her face.

"What's wrong, babe?"

"I was supposed to start my period yesterday and... I didn't..."

"Maybe it's just late..."

"Niall, tell me one time it's ever been late..."

Small tears were forming in her eyes. She was so scared. I motioned for her to come lay down with me.

"What if I'm pregnant?... You guys are about to leave for a 10 month tour."

"Now don't worry about that. We aren't even sure if you are yet and don't you ever think I'll miss that baby being born if you are pregnant. I'll miss a concert. Hell babe, I'll miss the whole tour for you and that baby. I don't care. That's only a part of my life. We'll figure somethin' out. Now, let's go to the store okay?"

She simply nodded. She was still freaking out on the inside even though she tried to hide it from me. The ride to the store was silent except for the low radio. I held Nat's hand but she was still shaking. I know she's sitting over there thinking the worst. It's just how she is.

Nat's POV

When we got home Niall sent me straight to the bathroom to take the pregnancy test. I walked out and we waited what I felt like was the longest five minutes of my life. I paced back and forth which I could tell was only making Niall nervous but I couldn't help it. I was terrified. The boys have so much ahead of them. Their careers are nowhere near over. I don't want Niall to miss our first baby grow up...

"C'mon lass, it's been five minutes."

I looked at Niall who was holding out his hand for me to grab it. I did and we walked in together. I picked up the little stick that told what was going to be ahead of me...

"What's it say?" Niall asked.

"It says we're gonna be parents!"

All of the bad thoughts left my head for a few moments as I realized there was a little baby growing inside me. Niall kissed me and screamed all kinds of things. He was so excited.

"Ahhhhhh!!!!! I'm gonna be a daddy! We have to tell our parents and our siblings and our friends and our grandparents and the boys! Can we just tell the whole world?!"

"Let's go start calling!"

After almost three hours we had called everyone we could think of. Nor friends and families were already talking about a baby shower and a bachelor's party and what hospital we should go to.

"I know we have nine months to think about this but how about every time we think of a name we write it down and then we pick later?" I said.

"Sounds like a good idea. While I'm on tour I'll have my list but whenever you come to a show I'll give it to you."

"Alright. Do you have any ideas so we can get it started?"

"Sophie Marie?"

"Oh! I like that one! What about Andrew James?"

"We could call him AJ! Noland Nicole? Then she could have the three n's like you and have an Irish name." He said with a wink.

We went through names for hours instead of the few minutes we had planned on, but it was all completely worth it. We were having a baby after all these years and we couldn't be any happier.

Author's Note: Well, how'd you guys like the last chapter?! I really did. :) I won't be posting the first chapter of the next book until this one gets 7.6K reads. It's just a little under 300 to go so good luck! Be watching out for Expecting the Unexpected! :)

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