Why Is Gabe Always The Asshole

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Ryan placed the cup down on the table with what he hoped looked like a pleasant smile and not a grimace in front of the lady. He must've been successful because she grinned back, picking her cup up and taking a small sip.

'Mhm. This is good. Thank you, Ryan.' She said, playing with her hair. Ryan bowed slightly before walking to the counter. He opened the little gate and popped into the back. He spotted Will behind one of the registers, serving a man in a business suit.

Will had his long hair tied back in a ponytail and he wore the ugly, brown aprons with the name of their coffee shop, which, ironically enough, was called The Coffee Club. He had one of the worst fake smiles on his face and anyone could tell.

The first time Ryan ever stepped foot in this place for his job he couldn't stop giggling at the name of the shop. It was so bad and it almost costed Ryan his job but he needed it.

'She's flirting with you.' Will mumbled once the man had placed his order. He handed the order sheet over to Ryan who read over it.

'She wasn't.' But Ryan couldn't help but think that it was. Even though he was gay and she was a girl, it still made him grin. Someone found him cute. I bet they'd go running for the hills once they found out about Oliver.

'Go for it, Ry.' Will said as another customer came up to the register and placed her order. Ryan finished making the cappuccino for Business Boy. He spotted the guy sitting at the back of the café in one of their booths and made his way over there.

The guy was sitting on his phone and Ryan placed his cup down in front of the man who nodded his head in a thanks at Ryan. Ryan nodded back and left the booth section.

He noticed that the lady he served before had left so he jogged over to her table and began to wipe it down with the wet rag he kept in his apron. Just like Will said, she was flirting with him. A napkin with the words, 'Call me xx' and a number were written in blue pen. Ryan blushed slightly before shoving it into his pants pocket and walked back to the counter, grinning at Will who had a huge smirk on his face.

'What did I say?' Will said, poking Ryan as the last customer walked out.

'I'm going to go clean up and shut down. Don't say anything. I'm not going to call her. I'm gay. Plus, what about Oliver?' Ryan said, walking backwards to the door. Just as he was about to flip the sign around to closed, a guy burst into the café and Ryan groaned internally. I pray he's not an asshole. And Ryan smiled at the guy who nodded. Nope He's not nice. He watched the guy walk up to Will at the cash register and order something. Will did a thumbs up at Ryan. Which either meant that the guy was nice or he was taking it to-go.

Sure enough, once Will had handed the guy his coffee, he ran past Ryan, elbowing him in the stomach on his way and out the door.

'What an asshole.' Ryan mumbled, locking up the door and turning the sign around. He untied his apron and turned away from the door, instead facing Will who was packing away the money from the till.

'Dude, he was actually pretty cute and we earned a shit ton today!' Will squealed, waving the different coloured money around while dancing. All Ryan could do was laugh.

'Okay, sure.'

'Hey Ry, did you want to come out to drink with us? I mean, you haven't in a while and it'll just be Gabe, Pete and me. So please come along.' Will practically begged. Ryan couldn't say no when Pete was involved. The poor guy was always the third wheel when it came to Gabe and Will. Those two were so sickeningly in love it honestly made Ryan jealous and feel like throwing up at the same time.

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