new houes school

18 1 0

I am moving my pack to michigan becues rouges attack my pack adn both of my parents  and

my older brother  Tommy  and my younger brother  and sister  that are twins sam and Sammy were killed . i am only one left to take the alpha  of my pack name dark moon pack .so i am moving my pack so the pack can get a fresh  start and that place is only a reminder  how i couldn't  save my family  from them god damn rouges .

"Alpha damon were are here " say my beta and best friend drew  says as he   helped me out the car becues  i am blind since  brith even though i am the oldest  i had work harder then everyone  so i can prove  that i am alpha  reatjiy .but my other  scenes  are highent even i am a werewolf  i can hearing  , feel , smell  , and taste  is better then all the werewolf because  i don't have sight.

" take me to my office  and send  all my paper  work and office stuff to my office  " o say i walk  along  the walls  feelimg the textures  of the of the wall

" yes alpha " he says
" and drew tell kelly to my office " i say with smirk on face
" demon you bout to get some arint you " he says as he walks  out .

I feel around the room looking for my chair and taking  a sea
"You and i both know what you about to do and dont do "my wolf Justin  says
"And why is that "i ask 
"Because you just have wait and find out juat go to the school  tomorrow and you know  why that i am saying "that is he say in cut the mind link
Then their a knock at the door
" come in " i say as can smell her arouse
"Drew says you wanted  me alpha " say kelly the pack slut ahe i can hear high hill click against  the  wooden floor 
" kelly you know thst i am very hone and i getting  hard do you have solution  high to give of it

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 12, 2018 ⏰

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