Plan to end my suffering!

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Blare POV,

Last day before I leave.I walk around my room I have been in for months .It didn't feel right to leave the place i grown to love.The place was my home my sanctuary.It just didn't feel right to leave it; my home.

The times of agony and pain stain the halls.I can't and will never forget the tears that have stained the floor.Every drop will stay in my memory.

I pull down the last poster on my wall."Fall out boy save rock and roll!" I bought when we went to there concert.It was a fun time I enjoyed it a lot the music it was before my life took a turn for the worst.

I haven't ate in two weeks my bones are getting weaker and weaker.There is a ambulance waiting at the end of the flight to take me to the hospital in New Mexico.However I don't think I will make it because I have a plan to end my suffering !


Yep dun dun duhhhhhh!!

Hope you enjoyed that chapter it was kinda sad and depressing writing it but,hope you enjoy your Labor Day weekend !Luv you my owls!!:)

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