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I closed my book and let out a sigh of content.

This is the seventh book I've finished this week and it's only Wednesday.

Call me da bo$$.

"Hi Trish," I heard a familiar raspy voice.

He sat in front of me and smirked. I rolled my eyes and ignored him, putting my book back in my bag.

"Ignoring me I see."

"Hi Styles," I sighed.

He chuckled softly and picked a french fry from my plate before shoving it into his mouth.

"Bitch who told you you could steal my food," I groaned, hitting him on his muscular arm.

"I like it when you're aggressive," he said, crossing his arms with a playful smirk on his face.

"Fuck off. Why are you here anyway ?"

"I need your help, woman."

I narrowed my eyes at him and crossed my legs.

"No, I won't have sex with you," I said.

"It's not about sex," he laughed. "I'm not interested in your virgin pussy, I need help with my homework and studying."

I snorted and he frowned.

Oh wait the bitch was serious.

"I'd rather kill myself than help your ass."

"And if I give you money ?" he smiled.

I was about to flip him off but I have to admit that I wouldn't refuse money.

"How much ?" I asked.

"Ten bucks per hour ?"

Knowing how dumb he was, he'd probably need at least ten hours a week and well, 10x10=100 so...

"Okay, I'm in."


"Are you fucking mad ?!" my best friend yelled.

I sat on my bed and sighed.

"Jud', he promised me money..." I pouted.

She let out a groan and sat next to me.

"Man, you do realize that you're going to tutor Harry Styles a.k.a the biggest jerk on earth ?" she asked, a frown on her face.

"What's he going to do though? I don't fear his white ass," I chuckled, making my best friend rub her face in frustration.

"He's popular, he can destroy your social life just like that."

"What social life thouuugh ?" I sang in a high pitched voice.

"But- yeah okay right but at least, people don't pay attention to you. If Harry talks trash about you, they will and I promise you that it's not funny," Judy said.

"I dare him to talk trash about me, I won't make it easy for him."

"I know you won't T, I know you won't..." she sighed.


hi guys :) okay this chapter is reeeally short but I promise you that it's just the beginning and I will make my other chapters longer. I have to remind you that Trish may be a "nerd" but she's not the perfect little girl that acts all innocent. She's wild af and I think you got it while reading this chapter lol. Okay, see you soon for the second chapter :) xx

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