God have mercy. ..

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Kenta was racing down the halls, screeching "Cieeeeeeeeeeel!!! HEEEEELP" Until she ran face first into a wall turning a sharp corner and a painting fell off the wall onto her. "Owee.." Kenta whined as Ciel came running to her "what the hell are you doing..?! What is wrong?" Kenta huffed frowning, "there is a spider and it said it's name was spooder and it wont go away.." Kenta hugged his leg and he huffed "damn.. you broke a painting.. and screamed. .. over a spider." She nodded. Ciel sighed deeply and spun around and walked  to his study, Kenta still clinging to him.

It was a month after that and Ciel allowed Kenta to go to town.

Kenta was skipping into shops, looking at stands when she was stopped by a boy....

The blonde, bright blue eyed boy gazed down at her with a smile, "hello!" He sang and she smiled "hi!" After talking with this boy quite a bit she learned that his name was Alois Trancy, he had heard of Ciel having a cousin (her of course) and wanted to meet her, "you wantedto know me..?" She grinned and Alois nodded, then Kenta hopped in place "will you be my first friend!?" She pleaded and Alois clapped,  "of course!" She hugged Alois around his middle, with a giggle, "then join me for dinner tonight! Ciel wouldnt mind! She pulled him by the hand to the Phantomhive manor.

"Sun of a bitch! Get out!" Ciel yelled as Kenta brought Alois into his study. Alois did a fake frown "oh I feel so unwanted Ciel.." Kenta yelled "No! I told him he could stay for dinner.. hes my first friend Ciel! Please...." Kenta's eyes watered and she almost cried. Ciel quickly spoke "Alright.. but both of you will leave me be.." they nodded, Alois smirking devilishly.

Kenta lead Alois to her room and she put him in a skirt, dress and a cape, then Alois told her many stories, Kenta telling her fair share aswell, then Sebastian came up, "Dinner is served, Madam, Mister Trancy." He bowed and lead them down to the most unhappy Ciel waiting at the table.  Alois grinned as he sat, Kenta hopped into the chair next to them as Sebastian set, roasted salmon with scones. "So, Ciel how have you beeeeeeeeeen...?" Alois purred. Ciel ate trying to ignore him as he continued asking. "Your annoying! Shut the bloody hell up Alois!!"

Kenta and Alois stared at him, then Kenta grabbed Alois's arm, "it's ok... he didnt mean it." She said, looking at him with hopeful eyes, he nodded, his usual smile returning. " its fine, I know he secretly loves me." Kenta nodded giggling.After a hour of eating, talking and torture for Ciel dinner was over and Alois left, hugging Kenta.

Ciel stared at Kenta, "of all people you had to find Trancy.. god no.." Kenta watched him "I think you need sleep. Your going insane.." She smiled, Ciel growled "shut up.. Hes never coming over again..." Kenta imeditly screamed "Hes my only friend!! You cant ban him!" Ciel glared "I can, and I did. Go play somewhere or something.." He growled, then muttered, "god have mercy." Kenta frowned but ran upstairs to her room, muttering "He will come back."

(((DRAMA! I love it, as always, I dont own and of the characters except Kenta. I cant wait to write the next chapter, sorry these are so short.
Bye bye my lil sparks ♡ ♡ )))

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