Chapter 1

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Hi! Yes you the one whos reading this. Unless you skipped it... Anyways if your new, you should read book 1 of 'Taurtis and reader' it will get pretty confusing unless you read book one. Okay,okay now enjoy chapter one!

"Wow! Look at this place!"

We made it to Tokyo a hour ago. Were lost. Whoops.

"You guys! Were still lost and im hungry". "Well lets ask for help"

I looked around and saw a girl with pink hair. Just like yukis but darker. "Hey! You over there!" i walked up towards here.

"Hi im y/n" i took out my hand to shake here's. "Hi im kyui" hm that name sounds familiar. Kyui... Oh! Right. "Hey your the girl okami told us to find right?"

"Yeah your y/n l/n right?".

"Yeah! Oh thank the Lord were lost". She laughed. "Follow me"

"Should we trust her?" kayla wispired in my ear. "Yeah totally"


"No,no,no its this way" yeah im pretty sure shes lost too. "Um? Do you even know where were going?"

"Yes! Its this way" we walked a couple mintues until we stopped infront of a house. "This is the girls house and next door is the guys house. The guys house  have four bedrooms, and two bathrooms the girls house has 5 bedrooms and three bathrooms"

We all nodded. "The school isn't that far. You go left,then right, then left,then go straight, then right and you'll see it"

"Okay thank you". Oh no problem! Bye!"


She left and then sam spoke. "So wheres the school?". "Did you guys seriously not listen to her!?".

"No". I rolled my eyes and walked in our house. I ran upstairs looking for the biggest room. There was 5 doors so i looked threw all of them.

I walked into one that had a queen sized bed, f/c walls, a walk in closet, and a own bathroom. "I call dibs!" i yelled so everyone knows i got the biggest room.

Yay me!

"That's no fair! I wanted the biggest room!" i heard emily yell from the hallway. "Not my fault!" i yell back.

I look around and i notice a big Windows. I look out and see a room in the other house. Then i notice its Taurtis room. Crap

I mean yeah its fine but sometimes its weird talking to him. Its like were strangers to eachother. I sigh and walk downstairs to get my boxes.




Interacting with humans? No.

"Nah, im good" i yell back. "Come on! You never go anywhere" yuki comes in my room. "Please"

"But im lazy!" i just want to stay in bed!

"No, get your lazy ass up" i roll my eyes and get up. Theres no way im gonna win. "Oh and beside you can meet someone new" she wiggles her eyebrows.

"That's why you guys are going out and inviting me huh"

"What! No...".

"Yuki! Im happy being single!". "No you're not! You dersver to be happy!"

"I am happy".


"Okay, okay what about him" we were at some party yuki found. "Uh, hes okay..."

"Well talk to him!" abby pushed me up to him.

He had light brown hair and blue eyes. Hes cute. But not like Taurtis.

Stop thinking about him!

"Hey cutie" wait is he talking to me. I looked behind me and saw no one. He chuckled. "Uh hey"

"Whats your name?" crap! Whats my name? Oh yeah!

"Y/n and you are?"

"R/n" (random name. It can be your crush name in real life)

"Cute name" i put my hand over my mouth after i realized what i said. "Thanks want a drink?"



"Want to dance?" r/n said.

"Yeah" as we got at the dance floor 'don't tell 'Em' came on. (song above)

We danced and in tell middle of the dance i got pulled away by yuki. "What!"

"Taurtis here!".

"Okay?" she rolled her eyes "hes saw you and r/n and gosh did he look mad. He punched a wall and left."

Okay so i wanted to smile but didnt. Taurtis got jealose!


Hi! I hope you guys liked the first chapter of 'My Forever?'

I wrote this 3 times. Wattpad not really working. Okay so theres gonna be alot of drama in this story. Just warning you guys.

Okay bye my beautiful readers that i love!

Emma out

Taurtis x reader: My forever? (book 2)Where stories live. Discover now