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I wish it hadn’t happened the way it did. I wish it didn’t end the way it did, and I like to think he thought that too. But I suppose most people would wish that because the way we had ended everything was not a way that anyone would enjoy ending something if they had the choice. How we ended was horrible, it was something no one should go through. The only thing that keeps me going is knowing one day I will find you and we will be together again.

It is what keeps me going as I venture through this land where the impossible seems to be normal and the normal seems illogical. Our two worlds were never really meant to meet; I think that’s why they were angry with us. Walking through this forest, where everything is that shouldn’t be appears to be normal, scares me. You have made me a braver person, and now I don’t think I can go back to where I came from. This world seems to be so much better, you’re in it for one and I don’t think I could go back to living a normal life after experiencing everything you have showed me.

This world is so different from where I came from, from where I belong. This place makes Earth seem dull and boring. I glance up in the trees and see the star which you told me was my sun, my home. I had wished the whole time I was with you to go there and now when the ability to finally get there is in my reach I'm not even sure I want to go anymore. It seems so far away from you, and we are meant to be together I know it. So if we are why are they trying to make us star-crossed lovers?

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