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It's been a few months since the big attempt to find the fireflies to create the cure from Ellie's immune blood and she hasn't been talking as much, or listening for that matter. The two of them had set up camp in several places since, but ended up back with Tommy, Joel's brother.

"Hey Ellie, you want something to eat?" Joel comforted as Ellie picked at her dirty, short fingernails. She kept looking down, but shook her head. Joel got up from the chair beside hers and took his empty dinner plate with him out of the room. He left the meal for Ellie, just in case, but she hadn't been eating much recently. Her cheeks were beginning to hollow slightly, and Joel was becoming increasingly worried the more time he spent around her.

Ellie lifted her head up slightly to reveal her pale face and stared intensely at the plate of meat and vegetables. There was a plastic bottle with water in, and as she reached for it, she knocked over the small vase with a sunflower in. It broke into pieces, creating a loud sound and Ellie flinched sharply.

"Hey Joel! I found a way out up here!" There was no reply. Ellie's heart beat faster and she peered over the steep ledge Joel had boosted her onto. There he was, getting held down in a deep puddle of water. Ellie knew she had to do something, and fast. She jumped down, grabbed her handgun from her backpack and without hesitation, pulled the trigger.

Ellie started shaking uncontrollably and her breathing became fast and uneasy. She grabbed the bottle of water and twisted the cap off as quickly as she could in this state. She lifted the bottle to her lips and drank half of it in one swig. She needed to calm down, otherwise the other memories would come back to her again, the ones she had been blocking out for a specific reason.

Once Ellie had managed to stop shaking slightly, she lifted herself from the chair and tucked it under the table neatly. She decided that some fresh air would do her good. As she left her room, she made sure she had her small knife and gun, for emergencies only. After her room was locked up tightly, Ellie made her way to the farm area, limping slightly due to her encounter with the freak that wanted her meat.

She passed Tommy, who was working on a new vehicle of some sort. It seemed to be a large bike with a car's engine, but Ellie thought nothing of it. She just kept walking with her head low. He said hello, but she didn't hear him. All she heard were the small sounds that others wouldn't usually hear, like the small whirring noise of the generator in the next room, or the owls outside calling to each other.

She passed the other rooms, labeled with the person inhabiting its' name and inhaled slowly, counting the rooms in her head for comfort. She didn't like noise at all anymore, yet the quiet made her feel so uneasy. Finally, she got to the big double doors to the chicken wire netted farm area. It was the best fresh air she would get this late at night. She sat on a small wooden bench, just outside of the building and stared into the blue tinted, black sky. There were a few stars dotted here and there. It was beautiful. Ellie hadn't seen the night sky like this since she started her journey with Joel and they were practically outside the quarantine zone. No fake lighting, no torches, just the star's slight glisten, casting small patches of white light in the sky.

It was nice to get some fresh air. Ellie hadn't been out properly for a while now, and it was her birthday in a few days. She would be 15. Ellie was debating whether or not she should tell the others. It's just another year... Right? She sat outside for another 20 minutes or so then headed back inside for 11pm curfew. It's not as bad as the quarantine zone, but she could stay out for longer just star gazing like that. When she walked back through the corridor, she heard snoring coming from some rooms. When she passed Joel's room she decided she would go in and sit with him for a while. Ellie felt restless.

When Ellie pushed the door open, she saw Joel sitting on his bed, writing on a piece of paper.
"Hey" She uttered, quietly.
Joel looked up and seemed surprised to hear Ellie speak.
"Wow! Don't waste your breath on me" He chuckled at his joke, but Ellie wasn't amused and just smiled with the corners of her mouth in a fake way.
"Hey c'mon now don't be so offended. You barely speak to any of us" He reasoned with her. She shrugged her shoulders and sat down next to him on his bed.

"What are you doing?" She mumbled curiously. Joel smiled sadly at her and passed her the paper. As Ellie slowly read the words, she realised it was a poem about his daughter, Sarah. She gave him the paper back to him.
"What do you think?" He asked. Ellie shrugged her shoulders.
"Oh c'mon it's not that bad is it?" He chuckled slightly.
"It's nice, just sad." She replied. Joel nodded.
"What are you doing here anyway kiddo?" He asked Ellie, who kept glancing at her infected arm.
"I can't sleep" She said.
"Oh" he said.
She got up and walked over to the battered sofa sat in the corner of Joel's room and lied down.
"Do you have a blanket?" He asked. She shook her head.
Joel got Ellie a blanket and placed it over her carefully.
"Thanks" Ellie muttered, and before she realised she was fast asleep.

Joel lay in bed staring at the ceiling. He sighed. In the morning he would have to get up early for duties, but he couldn't get to sleep. Ellie didn't have duties, which was good because of her mental and physical state at the moment. He rolled over and glanced over at Ellie, who looked peaceful for once. Her breathing was soft and steady, which helped Joel to settle down a bit more. He thought about telling Ellie the truth about the fireflies, but she would have to be in a better state than this to be able to handle that news. An hour later, and they were finally both asleep.

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