Lucas: 25 works as a veteran
Maya: 24 is a famous artist
Lucas and Maya have been together since senior year in high school, and when this happen after, will their life gets better or worst?
Find out in our new life// lucaya
This is my first and...
Maya's POV💁🏼 I'm I opened the door to see my two best friends, Riley and farkle. Farkle and Riley had a baby girl called rowan cory topanga Matthews, she was beautiful and cute.
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She had farkle's eyes and Riley's hair.
"Riley! Farkle!" I screamed as I hugged them.
"My mom told me you lived here, omg this is so exiting." She danced around, I looked down to see rowan in the buggy.
"I have new...I'm pregnant." I blurted out
"Yayyyyyy." Riley did that yay thing she always does which made me happy.
"Farkle my man." Laughed Lucas as he walked in. "Yo freak." Teased Farkle as the bro hugged
"So you two having a baby." Smiled riley as she looked is all adorable.
"I know now this one might break to rules like mommy and live in the wild side or by Lucas the good." I teased as I held my stomach.
"Oh yeah Lucas the good never got in trouble after Texas." Laughed Cory as he patted Lucas back "yeah, we finished painting the room." Lucas told me.
"Well we have one room left and I want to do that on so I guess we are done." I laughed
"Okay want to order pizza and watch a movie?" Asked Lucas as he held me close.
"Yeah sure but sorry if rowan cries." Said Riley as she toke rowan the buggie
"Who old is he again?" Asked shawn as he sat down.
"1 mouth and 3 weeks." Answered farkle as he kissed rowans cheek.
"So when Maya had her baby there will only be 10 months between them." Smiled topanga as she was taken rowan for Riley
"Yo Lucas what's the best pizza?" Asked farkle
"Pizza town." Answered Lucas
"Yeah thy are great." I agreed
"Okay I will order." Said farkle as he walked outside ------
We waited 35 minutes for the pizza, then there was a knock on the door, Lucas and farkle jumped up to get it.
"Finally pizza, pizza pizza." Sang Lucas as he held two boxes of pizzas above his head.
"Okay cowboy that's eat." I teased as he gave me death stares.
"Oh you still give nick names." Laughed Riley as she held sleeping rowan in her arms and eating at the same time
"Yeah but I have more for short stacks." He smirked.
"Yeah Hunckleberry really then tell me some." I said as I give him I know you're lying look.
"Fine. Big mouth, blondie, city chick and bed breaker." He winked at me, I can't believe he said bed breaker
I turned to look at everyone who seemed speechless, I turned to look at Lucas to see him smirking at me. Now that just got awkward 😂😂😂😂😂😂😰😂😂😂😂
Tell me what the next chapter should be, do you want to skip a mounts or make it the next day💕 tell me I'm the comments and don't forget to vote 😊.