Chapter 6: The Key to Traveling

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 Rewritten 9/23/23

 With the sun rising, a new day is born in the world of Terraneou and Cozbi slowly begins to open her sleepy heavy eyelids. Cozbi yawned stretching her limps slightly, gripping the covers she lay on loving how soft and comfortable they are compared to Hell. Cozbi sat up slowly blinking rapidly and rubbed her eyes to adjust to the light that invaded the room through the creaks in the curtains. Cozbi noted how her neck and back didn't have to pop or crack like they usually did after a night's rest.

 Cozbi observed the room she sat in peacefully, taking in the beauty of a morning glow. A slight distortion caught Cozbi's eyes, she noticed how at certain angles the room looked wobbly and even reflected the sunlight a bit.

 A barrier.

 Cozbi looked to her side seeing the big Hell Hound curled up sleeping on the bed next to her. Cozbi smiled at Jaheel sitting crisscross now watching his chest rise and fall with every breath he took. The peace Cozbi soaked in was suddenly interrupted by a weird noise from her stomach followed by annoying pain. Placing a hand on her stomach, Cozbi wondered what that was.

 Cozbi's attention switched to Jaheel's pointy ears jumping up at attention. Jaheel looked over his shoulder to Cozbi with a lazy sleep look then stood up on the bed stretching. Jaheel's size caused the bed to dip to one side making Cozbi slid over the sheets thumping into Jaheel's fluffy side. Cozbi looked up seeing Jaheel remove the barrier with his nose, the barrier popped like a bubble getting a giggle out of Cozbi.

 Jaheel looked down at Cozbi with a raised brow before stepping off the bed rocking it back into place throwing Cozbi off balance on the bed. Cozbi stayed laying down while Jaheel shifted back into his human form, the breaking of bones still made her cringe.

 "Shall I retrieve your breakfast Lady Cozbi?" Jaheel asked as he finished dressing.

 "I already made you two breakfast. Hopefully to your liking?" Dingsy opened the door to the room with plates in hand. Jaheel shifted back instantly standing over Cozbi snarling deadly at Dingsy.

 "How did you pass through my barriers!" Jaheel snarled out baring his teeth at the bellman.

"This is my property, I can go anywhere freely." Dingsy smiled holding the plate of food out for them to take it.

 "What are you." Jaheel sternly said watching Dingsy's every move.

 "As I told you both the night before. I am mere imagination." Dingsy chuckled slowly walking over to the table near the door and placing the food on it. "Have a good rest of the morning." Dingsy bowed before leaving the room.

 "Let me eat the food first, I don't trust whatever he is." Jaheel sternly said inspecting the yummy food on the shiny pretty plate.

 "You think that silly character poisoned our food?" Cozbi asked watching how Jaheel took extra care in testing the food on the plate.

 "Don't allow first impressions to fool you Lady Cozbi, he may look nice and silly but that thing was able to walk right through my barrier as if it wasn't there." Jaheel moves his sharp gaze from the scrambled eggs to Cozbi. "I'm no weakling either Lady Cozbi, or I wouldn't be here protecting you." Jaheel's gaze softened as he smiled.

 "How can someone's imagination become sentient with its own life?" Cozbi poked her eggs with the silver fork becoming impatient.

 "They mentioned the name, Kaya." Jaheel thought to himself.

 "Who is she besides what Dingsy explained?" Cozbi watched Jaheel as she scooped up some eggs onto her fork.

 "All I know is that Kaya is one of the greatest heroes of her time and her legacy lives on. I spent most of my time in the Underworld so I only got news of what happened in the living realm." Jaheel replied not noticing how Cozbi quietly ate the eggs.

 Once the two finished their breakfast, they gathered all their belongings and made their way down to the lobby of the Inn, finding Dingsy behind the main counter with a book in hand, seeing the title that read Love?

 "We will be taking our leave now, thank you for your hospitality Dingsy." Jaheel bowed his head slightly with gratitude.

 "My pleasure." Dingsy bowed his head back with shades of pink showing on his cheeks. Cozbi waved and smiled as she turned to follow Jaheel out but Dingsy stopped them. "Since you two are heading to the Kingdom of Operiel, I can lend a hand with that as well." Dingsy smiled wide and extensively, more than usual.

  "We thank you for your hospitality Dingsy but we will be fine on our own." Jaheel told Dingsy.

 "You're too sweet Jaheel. . . But I was asking Cozbi the question. Not to sound rude but I know you're merely her protector or guardian, she makes the shots." Dingsy waved his hand in a feminine motion.

 Dingsy's words only made Jaheel's hair stood up in defense as to how this doorbell knew so much.

 "You know this information how!" Jaheel barked.

 "As I said before, I am asking Cozbi." Dingsy looked passed Jaheel to Cozbi.

 "You can speak to her once you te-Please sir, I know that you can't do anything to me without Cozbi's permission since she isn't that sort of demon at the moment. I'm very sorry for not looking at you but even though I can't die to anything except dying imagination, I have plenty of knowledge of Hellhounds and I don't want to meet an early death." Dinsgy said in the nicest way he could.

 "It's ok Jaheel, thank you." Cozbi put her hand on the side of Jaheel calming his nerves and growls. "It would be nice to have some help arriving at Operiel and as you can tell not quite used to walking as much, have a field of corn." Cozbi whispered the last bit toward Dingsy gaining snorted laughter from him.

 Dingsy dug around in his pocket before pulling out a white transparent-looking key.

 "Follow me please." Dingsy smiled walking out of the room back to the main lobby behind his desk. Dingsy told many stories about his past as well as stories of Kaya and her adventures. Dingsy walked over to a big door, "Here is the 'Key' to transportation" Dinsgy let out another snorted giggle. Pushing the door open the other side was nothing but white, little sparkles were flying out before fading.

 "How can we repay you for doing this? Whatever this is?" Cozbi asked looking in awe at the door.

 "This is a transporting door, there'll be another doorman on the other side in the city of Operiel, give him this." Dingsy gave Jaheel an envelope. "I'll explain payment later." Dingsy added with a big smile before pushing the two into the bright room, "Tell King Draken I give him my greatest wishes!" Dingsy yelled out watching Jaheel cling onto Cozbi as they fell.

 Jaheel wrapped his arm around Cozbi's waist pulling her close, Cozbi closed her eyes as the bright white light blinded the two. The sound of a doorbell was the only thing Cozbi could hear as their falling stopped.

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