Chapter 9

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(Sorry can't think of a name for this chapter.)
     Kamren's POV...
I had a nightmare about two girls I met in the forest one night when I was doing my round of the night watch so no vampires were on my side. But when I was walking I saw two girls about to get attacked by a vampire so I ran and ripped the vamps head off. The oldest girl Blaze shifted in front of me and started to growl and snarl at me. I went into human form and said "I'm not going to hurt you. You don't need to be afraid that I'm going to hurt y'all." I looked Blaze in the eyes and imprinted on her. I said "When your older when you turn 18 I'll look for you. She was only 16 and her little sister was 15. Her sister's name is Victoria. They both lost their parents like me and Rose. I woke up to a voice saying "Karmen its just a dream. Wake up Me and Victoria are okay we are not going any where with out you baby." I saw Blaze in front of me with a smile on her face. I kissed her passionately on the lips.  At first I thought it was a dream but then Victoria being Victoria said "Okay love birds let's get dinner in us then sleep and get Kamren home yeah. I'm pretty sure her sister is worried. K?" Me and Blaze shook our heads. I was happy I got my mate. I stopped at the tent door and questioned Blaze " Blaze how old are you?" Blaze looked at me and said "18 tomorrow why?" I said "I was supposed to find you tomorrow. Remember I told you on your birthday when you turn 18 I will come for you or did you think I forgot about you?" Blaze looked down and answered with "I thought you forgot about the both of us?" I said "I could never forget about you. You were the one who made me happy again. I would never even if our sisters don't like it. Even thought they do." Blaze smiled and hugged me then kissed me again. I was truly happy. I totally forgot about my fight with Leash. That night me and Blaze cuddled and fell a sleep on top of each other. (Not like the dirty way) Blaze was really light so she slept with her head on my chest. I stared a her for an hour then finally fell a sleep with my other half in my arms.

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