Magcon day 1

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Alicia's POV
I woke up in cammy arm he wasn't awake yet I got out of his grip and walked to uncle jack Gs bed I shook him
Wake up I yelled in his ear
Wake up dude
Why? It's like 12:30 pm
Don't you have a event at 2?
Oh yeahh I forgot he said jumping up
I have to get ready
You go do that then uncle jack
I got out of his bed and I jumped on cammy
Cammy it's time to wake up
It's is ?
Yes it's 12:30
Really I have to get ready now
Cameron's POV
Alicia woke us up which was really good because we were all still passed out
I got up from Bed I brushed my teeth and did my hair and put on shorts and I white t shirt and jack g put on shorts and a shirt I brushed Alicia's hair and she brushed her teeth we walked to Taylor's room and everyone was still passed out it was 1:00
Wake up lazy asses
What time is it Taylor asked
It's 1:00 the event starts at 2 and you guys are still in bed what the hell?
Sorry Cameron they all said
Jack j put on pants and a red and white shirt and Carter put on white sweats and a black t shirt Nash put on a jersey and black pants and Matt put on a white shirt with pants
I went to Alicia's suit case and got out some skinny jeans and a Matthew Espinosa shirt
Me and Alicia walked to Jacob Shawn and Hayes room they were awake and ready
Hey lets go get some food? I asked them
Sure Jacob said
We walked out of there room and walked downstairs to the buffet and got breakfast
We all got done eating and we went to event hall and the rest of the guys were there 
I glanced at Taylor I was mad at him at the moment
Taylor's POV
Cameron just gave me a dirty look but I can care less right now
I walked up to Alicia I bent down so I was at her height
How did you sleep baby?
Oh that's good
Can I go back with uncle cammy now?
At that point I was a little heart broken because she would rather be with Cameron instead of me
Cameron's POV
Alicia just got done talking to Taylor can she came to me
What's up?
What are we gonna do today she asked
"well we are gonna meet fans and perform and maybe after we can go to the pool"I told her
"Okay can I go hang out with bubby?"
"Of course you can little one"
"thanks cammy" she said
Carters POV
I seen Alicia walking my way I felt a tap on my knee
"Oh heyyyy princess"
What are you doing I asked her
Nothing much how about you?
Well I was about to tweet something
Oh cool can I see?
Of course you can see
So what are you gonna tweet about bubby?
I am gonna tweet "hanging out with the best munchkin ever"
Ohh what are you gonna do after?
I was gonna go hang out with Matt do you want to come?
Yayyy matty she cheered
Well I guess that's a yes
We walked over to the stage I picked her up and put her on the stage and me her and Matthew hung out till the people started to show up
Okay you are gonna sit back here with Shawn for a little bit well I am out there I told her
Otay I like hanging out with shawny
She walked back stage and went to Shawn and Shawn picked her up and hugged her
Shawns POV
Alicia had to stay with me till Carter and Cameron finish there performance so me and Alicia took a bunch of pictures together
Finally Cameron and Carter finished there performance
All the boys and Alicia came on stage
Cameron told everyone who Alicia was then it was time for the meet and greet I decided to give Alicia to Taylor
Taylor's POV
Shawn gave me Alicia I put her on a chair next me
You ready to meet fans?
I gwuess so
Are you scared?
Okay well let's meet fans
Alicia's POV
I watched as daddy met a bunch a of girls a lot of them gave me dirty looks but some of them hugged me and took pictures with me
Soon it was over I was tired but I wanted to go to the pool still
Cameron's POV
I walked up to Alicia after the event ended
I picked her up because Taylor left the room with some whore
Where is my daddy? She asked me
I don't really know I told her
Well can we still go to the pool?
Of course
Hey guys who wants to go to the pool?? I yelled
Matt Carter jack g jack j Shawn all said meee
We went up to the rooms I went into Taylor's room to get Alicia's suit case
I got the suit case and walked back to my room
Okay Alicia which swim suit do you want to wear?
Um I think I will wear my pink one
Okay here you go I said as I gave her the swim suit
She came out of the bathroom with her swim suit on and a towel in her hand
Let me change then we can go
Otay cammy
I came out of the bathroom with my swim shorts on and the rest of the boys were in the room  but Taylor wasn't
You guys ready to go I asked them
Yeah they all yelled
We walked down to the pool
Cammy throw me into the water it will be fun she told me
Okay how about I jump in with you in my arms?
Before she could say anything I jumped in
That was fun she yelled
After about 1 hour at the pool we went up stairs to dry off then to go to dinner
Hey Matt have you seen Taylor lately?
No I haven't actually
I will call him
I went through my contacts and called Taylor's number
After two rings he picked up
Hey where the fuck are you?
Oh I came to the bar with this hot chick
Come the fuck back the hotel please
I am good where I am
Okay when you get arrested again I won't be there to bail you out did you forget you have a daughter you have a daughter and your out at a bar drinking what the fuck Taylor
Then I hung up the phone
Aliciaaaaa I called
What's up cammy?
Are you ready for dinner?
No I have to ask you something
What do you have to ask me princess?
What shirt should I wear my cammy Dallas shirt or my matty Espinosa shirt
I think you should wear your Cameron Dallas shirt because he is the best and so we could match
Otay good idea
We went out for dinner and came back it was 9:30
Taylor was no where to be found
Carter go look in his room to see if he is there
Okay I will be right back
Carters POV
I walked into Taylor's room and I seem something I couldn't unsee i seen

Hope you love the cliffhanger 😂 but what do you think Carter seen in Taylor's room???
I will make another chapter a little later so you can find out what was in there but anyway thanks so much for reading love ya💕

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