Character Bios

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This won't include their background because I don't want to spoil their history, especially the background of one character in particular.

Adrien Cooper
Age: 25
Height: 5'10"
Occupation: Independent theoretical physicist
Family: Sister: Grace, Dad: moved to Europe with his new wife, Mom: deceased
Look: short brown hair, blue eyes. Normally wears a lab coat, slacks and dress shoes. Wears casual clothes when not working or doing things for work. He wants to "look the part" of a stereotypical mad scientist.
Likes: sci-fi (the basis of some of his work), reading.
Dislikes: idiots of society, competitors of his work.

Grace Cooper:
Age: 23
Height: 5'7"
Occupation: Theoretical Physicist. Formerly worked at Cal. Tech, but quit to work with her brother out of sentiment for him and another underlying reason.
Family: same as Adrien.
Look: used to wear lab coats, but seeing most people in casual clothes at Cal. Tech, she started becoming more casual herself. Long, dark blonde hair and green eyes.
Likes: fantasy related things, romance novels and shows.
Dislikes: horror

John James
Age: 24
Height: 5'9"
Occupation: Mechanical engineer and assistant "Tech Man" for Adrien.
Family: Only child. His family lives in Great Britain while he moved to America after college.
Look: glasses, brown eyes and black hair. Casual, gamer clothes.
Likes: video games, exercise.
Dislikes: junk food eaten in abundance (will eat it sometimes, but not incessantly), arguing for no reason (but will argue if it is needed).

Stella _____
Age: 22
Height: 5'7"
Occupation: "Mercenary" Mathematician
Family: N/A
Look: Long brown hair, hazel eyes. Always in some form of dress clothes.
Likes: Math and reading
Dislikes: Idiots and large crowds.

I want to give the background of the characters, but I don't want to give away Stella's and Adrien's backstory, especially Stella's.

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