Idols and Depression

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Dear God,

It is clear that I am struggling with idols. I love animation, and have let it take over my relationship with you. I am really sorry. How could I have let something so small get in the way of my connection to the King of Kings, the God of Love?

Lord, from now on I will put much more focus on You and reading your Word. I will pray like I should. I will be the girl I am meant to be. Please help me to achieve this, and to come closer to you.

God, I am also struggling with depression. My parents know this, and are trying to help as much as they can. Lord, why am I struggling? I need you now more than ever. Please help me get through this.

I am so sorry for forgetting you so often. I really need you. There is nothing I can do without you. You are the one who understands me. You are the one who loves me. You are the one who will help me when no one else will. You are the one who gave his only son to the cross... Just so that I might have a chance of getting into Heaven. Please forgive me for forgetting that.

Lord I love you. Please transform me into the best version of myself. I really want to live an eternity with you.



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