Chapter Ten

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It's been a week I haven't left my house except to get buckets of icecream. The door slammed and I jumped I ran down stairs to see Nathaniel bleeding he has a scrape on his forehead with a black eye and bruises.

"Dude what the hell happend?" I said running to him.

"Just got into a small fight," He stated.

"With who and what about?" I asked.

"Umm that Christian kid because of you I'm a protective bro ok," he said with a smirk.

"Why the hell are you smiling first of all lets get you the ice pack and bandages," I say frowning. He nodded his head after I was done helping him I called Steven to pick me up and hang out. I took a shower and picked out clothes I was wearing a crop top with a heart and an arrow going threw it and blue jean shorts. I heard the door bell ring I ran to see Nathaniel already opened the door he yelled for me and I ran down the stairs.

"Ummm hey Steven nice to see you again and ummm Nathaniel don't wait up,"I said quickly. I left so Nathaniel couldn't say anything. About a half and hour into Bad Moms my phone rang it was Nathaniel he was dieing. I ran to Steven telling him to let's go he drove me to my house and we find my brother struggling to breath with a bullet in his chest I look up to see a car leave my drive way and I ran outside to get a closer look but by the time I got there he was long gone. We called 9-1-1 about 10 minutes later I had lost my last close family member.

"It will all be okay I'll stay right here with you," Steven said softly. I nodded and we went home once we got there I heard more than just Steven's voice. I ran to a picture frame and broke the glass it broke to shards I grabbed one and cut my wrist. I heard running up the stairs as I fell to the ground.

"Aria what the hell why did you do that?" One of the voices said.

"Maybe it's because of family," the other said. Yea it was I couldn't be alone anymore. I only wanted to die. I wanted Nathaniel and only Nathaniel I miss my brother. I open my eyes to see three people around me Steven, Ethan and Jason.

"Wait what the hell happened?" I asked. I was in Steven's arms.

"Well me and Ethan were chillin downstairs when you peoples came home and I heard something slam on the ground so yea here we are," Jason said. Right when he said that my phone went off I got a text from an unknown number and it said...

Hey people wuz up what's new.... I know cliff hanger what do you think the text said???




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