chapter 3

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Lia POV:
The party was fun. When dyzira seen her present she was so happy. I seen dyzira picture book she was pretty as a kid.

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Treyvon POV: After spending some time with lia and dyzira, me and dyzira went to go visit my mom.

Treyvon POV: After spending some time with lia and dyzira, me and dyzira went to go visit my mom

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Suelen POV:
Wah gwan I'm suelen um sorry I will try to speak English but it is very hard seeing I'm Jamaican and Chinese but I speak mostly Jamaican. But anyways I'm 56 ah yes I'm old but not that old I love my grand baby and son to death they mean the world to me. My height is 5'6. I have a brown color skin my hair is very poofy but I where weave once in while. I have dark eyes but I'm a kind lady unless you mess with my family.

I was cooking some cornbread, cheesy spaghetti and meatballs, brown rice and a Oreo cake.

WWhen I was done place everything on the table I heard my door open and close and I heard treyvon

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WWhen I was done place everything on the table I heard my door open and close and I heard treyvon.

Treyvon: Ma where you at?!

Suelen: I'm in the kitchen so stop screaming Lil boy.

Treyvon: Okay ma!!

I grab my belt and start hitting him with it.

Treyvon: Ouch ma I was playing stop.

Suelen: Mhm don't do it again. Where my grand baby?

Treyvon: Watching TV .

Suelen: Rara!

Dyzira: Yes Nana?

Suelen: Happy birthday sweety your gifts is in you playroom and I made you a cake.

Dyzira: Thank you Nana .

Suelen: You welcome Rara. How was your party sorry I couldn't make it.

Dyzira: It was Fun. Ms.Lia got me a car and she said I have a unique and beautiful name.

Suelen: awe rara that sounds so fun you hungry?

Dyzira: Yes Yes Yes!!

Suelen: Okay rara.

After dinner rara went to sleep after movies and playing. Me and treyvon was talking.

Suelen: I wish you would just settle down son.

Treyvon: I know ma I wanna settle down but I can't trust these girls cause they only want one thing which is money.

Suelen: okay son. I know you did not plan that beautiful party so who did?

Treyvon: Ms. Lia.

Suelen: ooo invite her for dinner.

Treyvon: ma I don't think that's a good idea she busy.

Suelen: Invite her treyvon or I'll beat your ass again.

Treyvon: Okay okay ma I'll see if she'll come so when is dinner?

SuelenHmm Friday at 8:30

Treyvon: okay can dyzira stay?

Suelen: yes honey.

Treyvon: bye ma love you.

Suelen: love you too boy.

The End

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