The Fight (one shot)

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AN- Unfortunately I do not own Criminal Minds

There is a great streak of violence in every human being. If it is not chandler and understood, it will break out in war and madness. ~Sam Peckinpah

Italics- flashback

Aaron Hotchner sat down at his desk and sighed. Before him sat a confused Emily Prentiss, a slightly proud Derek Morgan, a livid Penelope Garcia, an even angrier Jennifer Jureau, and a bruised and sheepish Spencer Reid. A rather amused David Rossi stood behind them all by the closed door of Hotch's office. "Alright." Hotch said after glaring at them all for another minute . "What. The. Hell. Happened?"
His subordinates all exchanged glances before speech exploded forth. They all attempted to give their version of the events that had transpired earlier that morning. Garcia was saying something about not believing the nerve of some people as JJ raged on about one Agent Stevens. Emily kept insisting she still had no idea what was going on while Morgan switched between saying he would have done the same thing and that he didn't know the kid had it him. Reid opened his mouth now and again only to be cut off before he could say a word.
Hotch held up his hand to stem the outburst of speech and glared at his now silent subordinates. "This is not difficult ; I would like to feel as though I am an FBI agent speaking to fellow agents and not a principal disciplining teenagers."
The five people before him erupted into argument again. "I don't even know what the hell is going on..." Emily began. "Any of us would have done the same thing, I..." Morgan spoke over her and was in turn cut off by JJ.
"I was about to deck the guy myself, and you would've..." Garcia suddenly cut into JJ's tirade.
"He can't talk to out genius that way p, or anyone for that matter! He..." Garcia began before Reid spoke over them all.
"They had nothing to do with it, it was all my fault." Reid said, speaking the first time since he had entered the office.
"Stop." Notch said, effectively quieting the agents. "Reid."
It took everything Reid had not to flinch under the unit Chiefs flare and it was only with the remnants of adrenalin coursing through his veins that he accomplished his fear. "Yes, sir?" He said as strongly as he dared.
"What exactly happened this morning?" Hotch asked. "The short version."
"Ah... Well, I came into work, I went to go get some coffee, and then, as far as I can figure, I attacked agent Stevens." Reid looked up to find six pairs of eyes trained on him.
"Man that's not how it happened at all." Morgan told him.
"Spence don't you remember? He..."JJ began to say.
"JJ." Hotch stopped her explanation. "The long version, Reid."
Reid took a breath and began to relay the events of that morning to his boss.

Reid came in to work later than usual, though not actually late. Most of his coworkers had already arrived p, and he could hear them and the other agents who worked on that floor talking in the break room. The aroma of coffee drifted through the bullpen, calling him to grab a cup before the work day began. Agent Stevens, a burly, pompous man who stood as tall as Reid with thick, dark hair and a thin moustaches stood in the midst of new agents, regaling them with the tale of how he was sure to get that promotion.

"He's not going to get that promotion now." Morgan interrupted with a smirk.
"Everyone saw how he..."
"Morgan." Hitch cut him off and motioned for Reid to continue.

As Reid poured a cup of coffee and went to stand by Morgan, Garcia and JJ who were all pointedly ignoring Stevens noisy conversation. Suddenly, the group around Stevens erupted into polite chuckles as the agent delivered the lunch line to an undoubtedly corny joke. "Why, Dr. Reid, I'm glad you're here. You just remind me of one of my favourite jokes."

Reid suddenly stopped talking and looked down at his hands, refusing to look at anyone in the room. "Reid, what happened next?" Hitch asked him, trying the prod the young man into continuing the story.
"He told a joke." Reid said quietly, his long fingers curling into tight fists.
"I'll tell you what happened." JJ spoke up glancing over at Reid.
For the first time, Hotch did not stop her from speaking. In fact, he prompted her to continue, interested in what joke could possibly have provoked one of the gentlest people he knew into attacking a fellow agent. JJ fisted her own hands and continued the tale.

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