Cold Hatred Part: 18

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"Bloodlust differs from a lust for blood.

I was susceptible to bloodlust.

Aine lusted for blood.

Guess which incited which

in the dark and cold."

2/19thSpecial Weapons Group
Restricted Area, Alfenwehr West Germany

Late Winter- January, 1986
Day 12 of Repairs
Day 4 of the Second Incident
Early Morning

We started up the stairs, staying to the side of the stairwell. I led the way, slinging my rifle, drawing my .45 and loading a round in chamber. We were silent, only heavy breathing and light footsteps, up to the access for Hammerhead Hall. I held up my fist and everyone came to a stop. I crouched down and they joined me.

"I'll go in first, Bomber, Nagle, you follow. Nagle, take the bathroom. Bomber make sure anyone I put down stays down," I said softly, using the frost on the floor to draw a sketch of the room. At least two people were using the IR lamp, despite the battery drain, which made the map plain as day. "Aine, you stick out here with King and Stokes, you'll be King's assistant. King, you watch toward near Hammerhead, Stokes, you watch toward the far stairwell. This is a friendly free zone, so use the pig if you get targets of opportunity." The sketch wasn't good, but it worked. They all nodded. I looked up at Aine. "I'd advise you to do solely what I tell you, McCullen."

She nodded. "I'll be good," she promised.

"You're always good. Just behave," I said. She smiled, and something lightened between us as we all chuckled at the old joke.

"I want either Captain Duloc or the Colonel alive," I growled. "I want to discuss a few things with them. If they're both there, I'll kill Duloc." I looked at everyone. "No matter what, they are mine, you understand?"

Murmured assent answered me and I stood up. The door whined as the cold took its toll on the metal insides. We moved down the hallways, keeping to either side, with me in the middle.

"King, Aine, Stokes, word of advice?" Nagle said softly.

"Always," King said.

"It's about Stillwater, isn't it?" Stokes said.

"Stay out of his way," Nagle said. "He feels off."

"His blood burns for revenge," Aine breathed. "He must his avenge his cousin in blood or die trying."

"Maintain noise discipline," Bomber snapped.

When we got to my door King moved a step past, Stokes stayed a step behind, and Aine pressed herself into the door that I'd threw her against an eternity ago. I put my hand on the door, checking it and finding it unlocked when the door opened slightly, and nodded to Bomber, then to Nagle. We could hear voices on the other side.

"On three," I said. They nodded again. "One." Cassius' face appeared in my mind, his mouth open in a shocked 'O', blood dribbling down his chin. "Two." His mother's tear streaked face. "Three!" The lizard snarled, thrashing his tail, and put up the plan superimposed over the room diagram. Snarling, rage making my limbs tremble, I whipped open the door.

Two men were leaning against the desk holding their weapons, looking further into the room, and I recognized them as two of the Colonel's men in the split second as my vision kept going through the room. Two men in Soviet camouflage by the refrigerator and window, their AK-47's against the radiator as they talked to themselves in Russian. None of them had seen us coming in, our appearance and the door opening hadn't registered to them. Coming in fast, I brought up the pistol and started pulling trigger, following the lizard's plan.

Cold Hatred (Book 2 & 3 of the Damned of the 2/19th) -Updated and RewrittenWhere stories live. Discover now