Chapter Two

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~Third person POV~

"Is there a problem?" Mark asked, making Jack shoot out of his thoughts.

"No, ofcourse not. Why would there be a problem? Come in." Jask answered a little nervous. Mark stepped inside, took of his jacket and put it on the coatstand. "Why did your work end early?" Jack asked curiously. "I don't know, they kicked us out. So now I'm here." Mark chuckled while he turned towards Jack, turning away from the door towards the living room.

Jack looked behind Mark towards the doorway. Ken was standing there, making a lot of hand gestures. Jack gave him a small nodd to let him know that he would distract Mark. "So, let's go to the guys." Mark said. "No!" Jack yelled immediately. "Why not?" Mark asked confused.

Jack started to panic, Mark couldn't find out. "Because.. uhh.." Jack mumbled before he got an idea. He took Marks shoulders and pushed him against the wall. "Wha-" Mark started before Jack slammed his lips into his. After a few seconds Jack felt Mark relax. He took this chance to slowly open his eyes and look at the livingroom, waiting for it to be safe. After 20 seconds Ken appeared in the doorway again, giving Jack a thumbs up. Jack closed his eyes again and pulled back from Mark a few seconds later.

"What was that for?" Mark chuckled breathlessly. "I don't know. You're attractive." Jack chuckled while he took Mark's hand in his. "Let's go to the others."


Cry, Felix and Ken sat at the table when Jack and Mark came in.

Jack could tell that Felix and Cry were out of breath, but there was no document to be found. 'Good job.' He mouthed to them when Mark wasn't paying attention. They nodded in response while Ken greeted Mark.

They moved to the television and started playing some games. But shortly after, Ken said he had to leave. Mark was confused at first, but shrugged it off. The other guys though, knew that Ken had to pack all the stuff for the next night. They said their goodbyes as Cry walked outside with Ken. Felix and Mark sat down again while Jack went to the bathroom.

When Jack walked out of the bathroom door, he stood face-to-face with Cry. Before Jack could speak, Cry started to talk. "Ken is going home to take care of the equipment. It's getting pretty late, so I'm going to send you guys home soon too. I want you to have all the energy you can, understood?" Jack nodded. "One more thing, it would come in handy if you could sleep here. But I don't want to get Mark suspicious. You can go with him, I'm not stopping you, but get some sleep Ok?" Cry asked while Jack started blushing. "Who do you think I am? This is important for me too. Mark can go one night without 'it'." He chuckled. "Ok, good." Cry said.

"I'm keeping Felix though. He has been acting weird lately and I don't want whatever it is to get in the way of his rest." Cry said with a concerned face. "I think that's a good idea. Maybe he needs to get something off of his chest." Jack commented while he was trying to supress a chuckle. He knew what was on Felix' mind. "But wait, did you just say 'I'm keeping Felix'? Is he your property?" Jack laughed. "Shut up." Cry chuckled while he pushed Jacks shoulder. Jack could see a tiny blush on the part of Cry's cheeks that were not covered by his mask.

They both walked back into the living room where Mark and Felix were playing a game of Mario Kart. Felix was winning and you could hear the frustration in Mark's voice. "I give up!" He yelled when Felix passed the finish line. "Sore loser." Jack chuckled as he sat next to Mark and snuggled into him.

"Ok guys, I'm getting tired. So I need to throw you out of my house." Cry chuckled as he stretched his arms above his head. Mark groaned but got up from the couch. He helped Jack up and walked towards Cry, who was standing in the doorway. "Thanks for having us." Mark said to Cry, who gave him a kind smile. "Thanks for being here." He answered. Jack yawned, which was a sign for Mark to get going. "We'll see you guys later." Jack said as they walked out of the door after getting all their stuff.

"Can't I sleep here?" Felix whined, still sitting on the floor. "Fine." Cry chuckled while walking towards him. He sat on the ground in front of his friend. "Tomorrow is a big day." Felix chuckled while awkwardly rubbing his neck. "I should probably get some sleep." He said. "That's a good idea." Cry answered. "I'll show you the guest room. But before I do.." He paused, making Felix look at him confused.

"What's wrong Felix? You've been off lately and you know it. Don't try to hide it now." Cry stated.

Felix was taken back by what his friend just said.

How did he notice?

"I-I can't tell you." Felix said while looking down at the ground. "Why not? I'm your friend, you can tell me anything." Cry said, looking at his flustered friend in confusion. "That's the point. You're my friend, Cry." Felix stated, still looking at the ground.


"Fine.. But you asked for this."

Before Cry could answer, Felix leaned forward and placed his lips on Cry's. Cry's eyes widened in shock.


'Why didn't I notice?'

Sorry for the delay peeps. School started again..

Also.. End of Chapter Two!

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