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      Fresh stood in an open field, watching the sunset. It has begun getting late and the fireflies would be out soon after. Fresh hadn't known why he had enjoyed them, he couldn't understand feelings and barely had them but something about fireflies made him feel...peaceful? Content? To be completely honest he didn't know and didn't care, it felt..nice to feel something. All of the sudden there were shouts of excitement coming from behind him, Fresh turned around and saw jammy sprinting towards him," mr.fresh!" Jammy squealed, coming to a stop slightly panting next to Fresh.

" Heya jammy! whatcha doin here?"

Jammy pointed behind him, his parents error and ink were setting up a small picnic on the other side of the field," we're going to watch the fireworks tonight! Are you here for the fireworks too?"

"oh, I didn't know that there would be fireworks, sounds radtastic though! Mind if I join you?"

"Ah! Of course not! But then why are you here then if it wasn't for the fireworks?"

Fresh looked at the sky and how the sun fell behind the mountain, the moon rising and pointed up. Jammy gasped and stared in awe at the little glowing bugs before him," WOAH! Mr.fresh what are those?!"

"Those, my rad broski are fireflies." Fresh took out a small jar and started chasing fireflies, catching them in the mason jar. Jammy giggled and chased the fireflies around with fresh.

Fresh put a lid on the jar and handed it to jammy," you're the light of my life jammy!" Fresh snorted at his own joke, finger gunning at jammy but halted to a stop when he saw jammy's face. woah! Woah! Woah! Was jammy upset with him? Did he do something wrong?

" jammy are you okay? Did I do something wron-!"

Jammy pulled fresh's head down to his level and kissed him, cheeks burning.

Now, fresh on the other hand was blushing so brightly he could've probably been mistaken for a beacon.

As soon as jammy heard his mother (ink) screaming at him he let go of fresh," let's go watch the fireworks mr.fresh!" And ran to his parents.

taking a second to regain himself he followed jammy, chasing after him all the while believing that one day he'd learn how to truly feel, little by little. <3   

Fresh x Paperjam - FirefliesWhere stories live. Discover now