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"Alyx?" A eighteen-year-old Jenn McAllister looked over at Alyx, who she had chosen to spend new years with. Alyx looked over from the kitchen and smiled. "Yeah, Jenn?" She asked, a bright smile still lingering on her lips as she gazed at the beautiful blonde before her. Jenn smiled, pointed at the TV, and chuckled. "It doesn't take that long to get water. Hurry up, we have like thirty seconds." Teased the blonde, pulling the grey blanket around her small body and curling into it. It smelled like their apartment, which was faintly of vanilla and whichever candle they had chosen to have out. Tonight, it was Campfire Treat, which Alyx had picked up at the mall weeks ago. Jenn liked it a lot, it smelled sweet and like home. Dark shades of blue swirls danced along her vision, interlacing with a beautiful magenta and a gentle grey.

"Okay, I'm coming." Alyx walked over with two glasses of water, taking a sip out of one before settling them both down on the end table. She then sat down next to Jenn, who allowed Alyx under the blanket. "Fifteen seconds, Pennifer." Alyx grinned and Jenn nodded, chuckling. "Ten... nine... eight.." Jenn began counting down, and Alyx didn't watch the TV, her gaze was fixated on Jenn. "I'm going to do something when it hits one and you can't get mad, okay?" Asked Alyx. Jenn just nodded, clearly not even paying attention as she continued counting. "Five... four..." Alyx was readying herself to do something she'd wanted to do for as long as they'd been friends. "Three... two..." Alyx echoed Jenn counting down. Just as the blonde reached one and the fireworks of Los Angeles set off around them, Alyx clasped Jenn's face and pulled her into a kiss. Jenn was surprised at first, this being because Alyx had never necessarily showed any romantic interest in her, but kissed back. Explosions of blue, orange, maroon, and teal danced around her sights. All of these colors all because of Alyx.

There seemed to be some sort of fireworks, as cliché as it sounded, when her and Alyx kissed. At first, it started as an innocent, soft peck of their lips. However, it didn't take too long for things to escalate. They briefly pulled away from the first kiss, staring at each other. Alyx's hands lingered on the blonde's cheeks, Jenn's hands gently gripping the fabric of Alyx's shirt. "Thanks for not getting mad." Alyx mumbled softly, grinning. Jenn chuckled and pushed Alyx back so she was laying down, then resting her legs on either sides of the brunette's waist. "How could I ever be mad at you for that?" She mumbled, kissing Alyx again. Whenever they kissed, Jenn saw these wonderful blue swirls to appear in her vision. She didn't know why, or what it was, but Alyx caused these and she loved them so much. 


This story takes place two years later, in an AU where Jenn had given up on her channel and on Youtube in general, meanwhile Alyx's career was flourishing. I will have very few to no authors notes, so I should explain this all now.

Jenn has a fictional condition that has been made up that allows her to see in colors that correspond to her emotions, if that makes sense. For instance, red is anger, maroon is shock, etc. 

However Jenn also suffers from mild delusions that only grow worse as time progresses, and is eventually institutionalized for it, though the people treating her later ease away with the help of medication. However during the time at the institution, she begins to see Alyx. They meet everyday in the bathroom, Alyx always humming the same song, and Jenn talks about this all the time. Eventually the doctors and therapists all try to convince Jenn that Alyx isn't real, and soon she believes them. When she is finally released, she has to cope with this and try to move on.


I will be updating ETO soon, though in every honesty I haven't even began working on the next chapter. Bare in mind, I am a high school student that cannot juggle all of this. I'd like to update within the next month, but only time will tell. Dearest apologies. xx

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