Black Widows Society 4

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  A/N Jeremy and Andrew are one and the same person, just thought to clear that up before hand. Thanks.                                                              

                                                                 CHAPTER FOUR

“We have a proposal for you Lieutenant.” Admiral Gulliver informed Jeremy two days after their private meeting, “I spoke to the Inspector and he agreed there are certainly unusual circumstances surrounding Lord Davenport's demise”

Jeremy leaned forward from his chair in front of the admiral's desk eagerly. “With your permission sir, may I ask the nature of this proposal?”

The admiral nodded towards the portly man dressed in a beige overcoat sitting to the left of Jeremy. The man acknowledged the nod and cleared his throat, then tugged at his tie before speaking in a low gravelly voice.

“I'm Detective Wesley of Scotland Yard,” the man began slowly, “As the admiral has said, we have been made aware that there might be some foul play involved in the Marquis's death. A few days ago, we received an anonymous letter hinting that proper investigation should be carried out on Davenport's widow. Not only that, we have had several suspicious deaths in the past year alone, in each case, the widow of the deceased has always benefited immensely. That in itself might not be enough cause for an investigation, but there have been rumors of a certain clandestine group of women who might be involved in some dirty deeds.”

Detective Wesley paused to let his words sink in. Jeremy pondered on all he had been told and felt a surge of rage go through him at the thought that Oliver's wife might have killed his best friend.

“I see,” he replied slowly, struggling to keep his temper under control, “If indeed these women are responsible, then they must be stopped before things get out of hand”

“And that's exactly where you come in,” The admiral said, “As you know these women belong to the upper echelons of society and it simply won't do to accuse them of murder without having concrete proof beforehand. We need you to get us that proof.”

“How so sir?” Jeremy asked, “I do not belong in their world either, and I doubt if I would be able to infiltrate the ton without raising a few questions”

“Aye we have thought of that,” Detective Wesley answered, “However, were you to go in disguise, say as a member of the ton itself, I believe you would have much more success given your background in intelligence gathering”

“I'm afraid I don't understand,”

“What the detective is trying to say,” Admiral Gulliver cut in before Wesley could respond, “Is that, we have an ally amongst the aristocracy, who says he will be able to get you an introduction into society. All that is required is for you the assume the identity of his nephew who is in Italy. You will become Viscount Andrew Brighton, a young man recently returned from Italy and eager to find a wife amongst the belles of the season.”

Jeremy thought for a moment, weighing his options. It would certainly not be the first time he had assumed another identity for the purposes of investigation, and this one would certainly be much easier to do. He studied the detective for a few moments then nodded in agreement.

“Very well. If it will bring Oliver's killer to justice, I suppose I can assume the life of tedious luxury for a few weeks”

“Good, good,” Wesley nodded and rose, extending a hand to Jeremy, “I shall contact Lord Huxley and arrange a meeting as soon as possible. Thank you for your cooperation Lieutenant”

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 06, 2012 ⏰

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