Alpha Alexander Cage

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(Above is Alexander.)

~Alexander's POV~

"Hey, man." My Beta and best friend, Derrick, said.
I faced him.
"Hey." I said.
"Whatcha up to?" Derrick asked.
"Deciding which pack to attack tonight." I said.
Derrick got a wicked smile on his face. He loves attack and destroying packs as much as I do. He grew up watching my parents abuse me. They forced him to watch. Physically. Mentally. Sexually. My father especially. Derrick tries to prevent it. He even got hospitalized once. Hw was in the hospital for three months. He said he would defend me even if it killed him. That was years before I made him my Beta. He swore to me loyalty. He told me friends stick together till the end. He's the only one that knows what happens to me. Yes. My parents still do it. I'm what most would call a ruthless, cold Alpha. I don't take shit from no one. The only one I'll let mess with me is Derrick. But that's because I know he means nothing by it. Our wolves often play together when things with the pack are calm. Derrick is gay as I am bisexual. Probably why my parents beat me. I'm bisexual and my Beta's gay. I snapped out of it due to hearing Derrick growl. It's a growl he uses to intimidate his enemy. It's low, menacing, dark, rough and cold. I follow his gaze to see my mother and father. I feel the color drain from my face. Derrick stands protectively in front of me. The only people I fear is my parents and Derrick when he's pissed. He was shaking. Close to shifting. He doesn't manage his anger well when it comes to me.
"Derrick..." I whispered softly.
Derrick is really the only one that sees this side of me. And he, unfortunately, sees it often. More often than I'd like him to. He's become very protective of me over the years. Especially once he became Beta.

"Ah, if it isn't Beta Derrick. Look honey... He's protecting our son." My father spat out.
As you can clearly tell, he hates the very ground I walk on. Derrick growled.
"He is no son to you!" Derrick shouted.
"Stand down." My father commanded.
"You are not my ALPHA!" Derrick shouted.
"I will not tell you again." My father said.
"Fuck off!" Derrick shouted.
I put my hands on his waist. Causing him to jump a little. I swear it's like the two of us are mates. We get along like mates do. It'd be better if we are. He's the only one I trust. He's the only one who's seen the real me. The only one who doesn't cower in fear when I lay eyes on him. Regardless if I glare at him or not. And the way his body reacts to me. Like it just did. That tells me everything I need to know.
"Alpha..." Derrick said.
"You don't call me that." I said.
Derrick sighed heavily. I could feel his muscles in his back and shoulders tense. His arm muscles too. Even my Alpha voice wouldn't help in this situation. I very rarely ever use that tone with Derrick. As you can tell, we care a lot about each other. I'd take a bullet for him as he would for me.
"No. You call him Alpha. You are nothing to him but a mere Beta! Know your place!" My father shouted.
"That's not true." Derrick said.
"Oh this is just rich." My mother said.
What is?

"Your Beta likes you." My father said.
He does? Derrick looked away, his tough facade fading. He was avoiding eye contact with me.
"Derrick?" I asked.
He hung his head low when I said his name.
"Is this true?" I asked.
Derrick slowly nodded. That explains the sudden protectiveness he has of me. Neither of us realized that Derrick's parents were here as well.
"Is this true, son?" Winter, Derrick's father, asked him.
"It's true." Derrick said, his voice quiet.
He sounded like his father just scolded him. Like he was trying to steal a cookie just before dinner. Is he... Ashamed of it?
"He's probably been trying to hide it for an extended period of time." My wolf, Demon, said.
I mentally nodded. Sounded about right. Who knows how long he had to live with this. The poor guy.
"That is unacceptable!" Winter shouted.
My wolf growled. Derrick can sense my sudden anger. The Alpha in me hates when my pack members, especially Derrick, gets talked to like that. Winter walked up to Derrick. He grabbed Derrick by the arm and threw him into our living room wall. The 60 inch flat screen TV, that was hanging on the wall, falling flat on his back. I ran to him.
"Derrick!" I shouted.
Nothing. His eyes were closed.
"Derrick! Wake up for me! Please!" I shouted.
I felt traitor tears falling down my face. I heard him groan and his eyes slowly open.
"Derrick!" I shouted.
"Alpha..." He mumbled.
I picked him up and bolted to the pack hospital.


"Alpha?" Marisa, our pack Doctor, asked.
I looked up at her.
"Yes?" I asked.
"Beta Derrick is alright. He just has minor memory loss." Marisa said.
"What does he remember?" I asked.
"All of what's happened to you. But al it's nothing about himself. Although he does remember what his father did to him." Marisa said.
I nodded.
"What room?" I asked.
"101B." Marisa said.
I ran to his room. He was laying on his bed watching Scooby-Doo. He loves Scooby-Doo. He saw me and looked over to me.
"Hey, man." Derrick said.
I felt myself crying again. I ran to him and hugged him. He groaned in pain but still hugged me back nonetheless. I pulled away.
"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you." I said.
"It's fine. You're my Alpha and my best friend." Derrick said.
I smiled.
"Derrick?" I asked.
"Hm?" Derrick asked.
"How old are you?" I asked.
He thought for a minute.
"19?" Derrick said.
"You're 17. When's your birthday?" I asked.
"December 2nd?" Derrick said.
"October 1st." I said.
Derrick looked down.
"Do you remember what you said 3 days ago?" I asked.
He shook his head.
"You said you had a crush on me." I said.
"Have. I still do." Derrick said.
I sighed.
"I know I'm too young and we both have mates out there. I know, I know." Derrick said.
He hung his head in sadness. This crush is gonna kill him if he finds out we aren't mates. I won't know if we're mates until he turns 18. I'm 19.
"Your birthday is December 2nd." Derrick said.
I nodded.
"Mhm." I said.
"You're 19." Derrick said.
I nodded again.
"Alex?" Derrick asked.
"Mhm?" I asked.
"Why did your parents make me watch them beat you?" Derrick asked.
"I don't know." I said.
"What day is it?" Derrick asked.
"September 31st." I said.
"My birthday's tomorrow. Right?" Derrick asked.
"Correct." I said.
Derrick smiled.
"Less than 24 hours." Derrick said.
I chuckled. Oh Moon Goddess, please make us mates. For Derrick's sake.

And by the way, I don't care if Derrick calls me Alex or Alexander or whatever. Technically it's a sign of disrespect, but I don't give a flying fuck. My wolf and I let him. He's the only one with permission to do that. The only one. He always says he feels special. He feels loved.
"I have to go. But I'll be back at midnight. I promise." I said.
A frown came upon Derrick's face. I hugged him as he rightly hugged me back. Almost as if I'll disappear from his life forever. Which won't ever happen.
"Pack tasks?" Derrick asked.
"Pack tasks." I said.
And I left.
"I'll be back." I mind linked him.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 06, 2016 ⏰

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