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It all started with a plane crash, the great white metal bird Skidding across the roof of Velvet's HQ. The pilot had then jumped out with a gun to his head. His own gun. And one single threat on his tongue:
"Give me Ace or I'll blow my brains out. Don't think I won't do, it because if she's dead, then there's no point in living. And before you ask, yes it is filled with Goddamn Godkillers!"

He was a convincing actor.

I had been brought onto the roof then to stand beside Velvet, Exodus Thorn his body guard holding me in place. I could probably of overpowered him, but with the roof covered with men with guns, it was better to see how the situation played out.

The man was claiming to be my boss from when I worked for the government. If this was true, then he'd know ultimately more than me, so no way in Hell would Velvet let him kill himself. Oh no, that would be too easy. Much too easy.

With a nod from Velvet, I was thrown to the floor; my cue to skiddadle. I gladly complied, running to my friend then onto the aircraft where I watched what happened next from the door.

"She doesn't know how to fly. I'll have to-" My friend began.
"Now how stupid do you think I am?" Velvet chuckled. "If we let you go, you'll never come back!"
"Then have this..." He threw something to him, but I couldn't see what it was. "It'll track the plane. Even if I don't come back, you'll know where to find me."
"Trust me darling," Velvet drawled with a classy wink that said so much more than anyone wanted. "I'll know where you are anyway. But I'll accept your terms... If you accept mine."
"Which is?" My friend lifted a bemused eyebrow.
"Mr. Thorn here will come with you." Velvet stated with a matter-of-fact ''I Have Won'' grin.
"Okay." My friend agreed with a shrug.

Velvet's smile faltered - only a little - but it definitely happened. That made me happy.

And so my friend and X climbed onto the winged contraption, the bounty hunter a little unsure of his boss' decision and the sanity of it - and himself for following it (especially with everything which may ensue).
And then it was bon voyage, up up and away, to infinity and beyond and we were soaring high.

I threw Exodus' body out over Burges Hill. I was dropped off at the top of Brighton.

"Need me, you know where I live. Get a chance to kill Velvet, you let me know." My friend told me.
"Thanks for saving my ass." I nodded, agreeing to his conditions.
"I'm sure you had a plan."
"I'm sure I probably did." I grinned skeptically.

Milo Quin then got back in the plane and crashed it somewhere nice. Somewhere Virtue Jones would find it years later after enduring the kidnapping of his only friend and a beat down worthy of a lifetime.

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