The dice of destiny

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Arriving to Seoul wasn't that bad.

Sure, an almost-thirteen-hour-flight sitting next to a snoring old man wasn't the best situation ever, but at least I got the window.

During the flight I had plenty of time, believe me, for my mind to actually set on this. That this was not an idea or a dream. I was actually sitting on a plane with its arriving destination being Korea, literally going around the globe, and meeting my favorite artists. That this was all thanks to me disobeying my mother and uploading a video that I never thought would get so many views, or shares, or likes or even get me noticed by Seven Seasons and their promotional contest.

I never thought I was talented or good enough for the contest so when I saw the colorful add on a page, I just read it once, had a little heartbroken moment that I'd never be able to win it, and moved on with my life.

But look where I am now. In Seoul's airport, looking for the Seven Season's representative whom I've been speaking with for the past month.


I turn around looking for the source of the voice and find Seo-yeon bleached blond hair moving through the crowd, then her waving hand and then body excitedly coming at me from a little distance away. Jogging, although it's hard with all my luggage, I meet Seo-yeon and we both bow, taking into account this is our first real meeting. Through this past month we have been talking to each other wether it be with phone calls or video calls, where she explained to me a lot of the Korean culture which I know so little of. Well, now I realize I knew so little because with all the lessons that she had to give me, let's just say it wasn't a walk in the park exactly.

"Ahneongaseyo" I try in my broken Korean. I'm pretty sure it's wrong but hey, it's the thought that counts.

"Annyeonghaseyo" she corrects with a giggle.

"Hey, it wasn't that bad!" I bump my shoulder with hers as she guides me to the nearest exit of the airport.
Seo-yeon and I have gotten pretty close because she's actually really young and near my age. She also loves the American culture a lot, so with me being American and in love with Korean culture, we got on really well exchanging information and facts. She told me that her love for American culture led her to learning the language, which landed her in the position of translator, and given her college studies, manager too.

"You're right, it wasn't so bad but you'll be staying here for a while so you better practice and get better!" She bumps my shoulder back and I chuckle.

Seo-yeon takes me to a black car, where a man takes my luggage and puts it in the trunk, meanwhile we get in the car.

"Say Seo-yeon, where are we going?" I take her attention from her phone while scanning the view from the window. Tall buildings swish past us rapidly until the car goes slower and it gives me enough time to actually marvel on the sizes and beauty of the constructions in front of me.

"Today we are setting up where you're going to live. Seven Seasons has gotten you an apartment where you'll be staying in the meantime. You will be getting all of your things in order and rest. Tomorrow is when the fun begins" I peek at her to see her smiling at me.

"The fun?" I return to staring out the window.

"Tomorrow you're meeting the Seven Seasons' president and vice-president, along with the president of the promotions area. Block B and their manager will also be there, so be sure to make a good impression" she maintains a sweet and calmed tone but as she continues speaking I kind of feel VERY nervous, terribly anxious even.

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