Wide Awake and So Confused

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Misty's POV

        It is some unnaturally early time in the morning when Nursey-Kins walks into my room and wakes me up.  Let me tell you, being woken up by that lady did not start my day off well. "Get up you worthless piece." "What's wrong Nursey-Kins? Don't you love me anymore? I JUST WANTE TO BE LOOOOOOOOOVED! PLEASE LOVE ME!" "SHUT UP YOU LITTLE BRAT! YOU'RE GONNA WAKE UP THE OTHER PATIENTS." After Nursey-Kins freaked out this guy walks into my room. He looked like Dr. McDreamy and David Tennant combined! "Jennifer, what do you think you're doing screaming at this time of the morning? Do you WANT to wake up the other patients? DO I need to report you AGAIN?" Nursey-Kins made that stupid fish out of water face while I laughed at her. Dr. McTennant (my name for Dr. Hottie) winked at me and walked out of my room.

      "Sooo Jenny-Kins, why did you get reported the first time? Did you kick a puppy; take candy from a baby?" "What? No! I lost a few patients and some morphine one day. I don't see what the big deal is." "Well can we get this surgery bizz on the road? I have a date with some Haagen-Dazs and Matt Smith tonight." Jenny-Kins scoff and wheeled me to the OR.

Demi's POV

         Its been about an hour since the surgery properly began. I'm walking around the waiting room trying to keep my mind off of what they're doing to my baby girl in that operating room. I pause for a moment to catch the punch line of Maddie's joke she is tell our gaggle of humans. "And I said to the guy, 'At least you got to keep it!'" The gang laughs simultaneously at Maddie's witty joke. That's my Maddie, always the little joker.  I start my walking again after the laughter died down. I suppose Maddie noticed my absence from the group because I feel her fall into step with me.

        "Demi, Misty's going to be okay, you know that right? She's only having surgery to rod her ankle. She isn't having a ridiculously dangerous surgery. It's just a small thing. She's a fighter Dem, she has been since day one."

         "Thanks Baby Girl, I love you." With that, Maddie went back to our group. Maddie was right, Misty's been fighting since day one. When Misty was born, she was very premature. She was only three pounds and she was having troubles with eating and gaining weight. She was so little and we were all so worried. Four days later, Maddie was born happy and healthy. While Misty was still in the hospital, Maddie was able to go home. Misty wasn't making any progress, we all thought we were going to lose her. That's when I started telling her stories about her best friend while I visited her. Suddenly, Misty started eating and gaining weight. In no time at all, Misty was able to go home and be with her entire family which included us.

       I was brought back to reality by a pair of strong arms snaking their way around my waist. "Hey babe, how are you doing?" "I'm fine, Ed. I'm just worried about Misty." "So am I, Dem. She is our girl, she has been since the start. Let me tell you something about our girl, she is strong and she will be okay." "Yeah, she is our girl, isn't she?" Misty had always been attached to me and when Ed and I became friends, Ed fell for her right away. He began treating her like his daughter. I honestly loved that Ed loved her so much. I have always thought of her as my kid so Ed loving her made my decision to date him even easier. "Ed, I have a plan that I think you will love!"

Meanwhile in Misty's POV

       I'm pretty sure I'm sleeping right now. I am not having an out of body experience, I am dreaming. I've got to be dreaming. I do not dream that I am dead. I do not dream that my parents are waiting to take me to eternity. I dream of Ed consoling me after a nightmare and I dream of him threatening to beat up a guy for me. I dream of Demi talking to me late into the night and I dream of Demi helping me get ready for prom. I dream of Thanksgiving, Christmas, and my birthday with Demi and Ed. And then, I dream of waking up, so I do.


    Ed's POV

        A few minutes later, a very anxious looking nurse darts out from the double doors leading to the operating rooms. "Which one of you is the better half of Sheervato?" I sheepishly raise my hand as Demi smirks at me. 'The better half of Sheervato' is what Misty calls me because she knows that she can get a reaction out of Demi from it. By now, Demi has become use to it. She even thinks it's funny. "Would you mind coming back to the operating room with me? Misty has woken up and she is in a very scared state. She keeps asking for the better half of Sheervato."

      "Yeah, I'll come back there with you. I'll do anything for my girl." "Great! If you could just follow me, that would be wonderful.' I follow the nurse back to a room and suit up and scrub in so I can enter the operating room. While I'm getting suited up, I can here Misty.

        "Please can I see Ed? He's my family! I'm so scared can you please get me Ed! I need him! Please bring me Ed! Please, I'm begging you." By the time I get all ready, I am tearing up. I hate hearing my girl so upset. The nurse pushes open the door and I walk in. Misty hears movement and her eyes dart over to me. "Ed! Oh my Gosh, you're here! Can we please go home, I don't like it here! I promise I won't complain about my ankle! Ed please, I'm so scared!"

        "Misty, honey, everything is going to be all right. I'm here now, nothing is going to happen to you. Can you please finish your surgery?" "Okay Ed, I'll finish the surgery but only because you asked me to and not because my ankle is sliced open." "Okay Mist, the doctor is going to put you back to sleep. Is that okay?" "Can my cast be the same color of orange as your hair?" "Yes, your cast can be Ed Sheeran Orange." "Okay Ed, I'll go back to sleep." With that, they gave Misty more anesthetics and she was back to sleep. As soon as I was sure she was asleep, I left the operating room.


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