C h a p t e r 3

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A/N - Chapter 3! Sorry for being late on this! It was supposed to be updated last Tuesday e.e
None the less, enjoy the chapter c;
But the wings short film gave me the chills. Especially the beginning, goddammit..
Kyungsoo P.O.V
I looked around and then turned to Luhan eating his lunch peacefully. "Have you seen Baekhyun?" I asked.
Luhan stared at me, silently chewing his food. Then he finally noticed and started to look around, panicking. "Where is he?!" he yelled and everyone in the canteen turned and looked at us.

I facepalmed at him just noticing. I turned to the doors and once I turned around Park Chanyeol bursted through, running towards his friends. I was about to turn back around then I saw him take out a so-familiar-diary out of his jacket. I look very closely at it then noticed who's diary that was.

It was Baekhyuns..

Chanyeol took his friends out the doors of the canteen and I slammed my hands on the table and stood up. Luhan stared up at me, scared to death. "Kyungie? A-Are you okay?" he asked, about to pat my shoulders but I ran out to follow the group that took my best friend's diary.

Chanyeol P.O.V
I took my friends to an empty hallway and opened the diary immediately.
"Bro, calm down. Who's diary is that anyways? Your so impatient." Jongin said. "Shut the hell up." I responded. I looked into the pages and read page 1 out loud,

Entry 1: 8-1-14
I am starting a new school! From Luhan, he said it was pretty cool. He told me to avoid the bad guys and I will try my best not to get some attention. Fighting! Also, I ended up ending my relationship with a guy. I don't wanna say his name because I want to forget him. Yes, I am gay but I'm also not sure about my answer. I am sometimes interested in girls too. Someone help me ;c I will write more later!
                                                                           Your new friend,
              Byun Baekhyun

I continued reading out loud to the last and current page. I smirked, so he is gay? Interesting, this is going to be fun, Baekhyun. "Alright guys, I found my answer. I will get him once I see him." I smirked evilly. "What the heck? You found another one?" Sehun said, raising an eyebrow. "Yeah, this time you can help me with the guy." I said.
"Really? I would love-"

"HEY YOU IDIOTS!" a voice cut Jongin off.

I turned to the voice and saw one of Baekhyun friends charge towards us. "Y-You..." he took a breath, "Give me back, my friend's diary.
We stared at the little guy. "Give it now!" he yelled.
I chuckled, "Whatever," I dropped the diary on the floor, "I already read it" He looked at the diary on the floor and up to my face. He stared at me with anger written all over his face.
"You son of-" he raised his fist but got cut off.

"Kyungsoo!!" a little voice yelled followed by Luhan following him.
(Note: Chanyeol knows Luhan because Luhan keeps saving the people getting bullied by Channie lol)
I smirked as I saw it was Baekhyun.
"Don't even think about it." the guy named Kyungsoo whispered, reading my mind.
"Kyungie~" Baekhyun whined and whispered into Kyungsoo ear.

Baekhyun P.O.V
"Kyungie~" I whined, "I lost my diary.." I whispered in Soo ear. He sighed and looked down. I followed his eyes to the floor and gasps. I immediately picked it up and held it tight and stared at the 3 taller boys, one of them smirking.
"D-Did you..." I stuttered, really scared and embarrassed that the read it.
"Read the diary? Yes we did. Be prepared." the tallest guy said, named Chanyeol.

Luhan being Luhan ran up to Chanyeol. "You better not lay a finger on him. I know what you do." Luhan gripped Chanyeol shirt, while Chanyeol stared down at him. Sehun came up and took Luhan hands off Chanyeol shirt and pushed him off that Luhan fell down, butt first to the ground.
Sehun stared at Luhan then said, "Let's go?" Then walks away followed by Jongin."See you after school." Chanyeol said and walked off.

I fell to the ground and cried silently.


End of chapter 3
Oh no the bullying is coming.
So once I start the chapter with that.. I suck at writing bully stuff bc I am calm and nice person e.e It's hard for me. I will try c; See you in next chapter hopefully Tuesday or Thursday (or not..)
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