Author's Note

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I am aware of how mating ceremonies take place in most werewolf mating books. However during my research I found a very interesting mating ritual that I though was kind of cool so I went with it. Here is the ritual explained: 

Werewolf Mating Rituals

There is a strong metaphysical aspect to werewolf love and "marriage," a.k.a. mating or pair-bonding. Wolves form a formal pair-bond via a series of processes and ceremonies that are a combination of natural instinct, metaphysical connections and ritual. This is due to the necessity of providing stability within the Pack—otherwise, every time a mated female went into estrus, her male would be fighting off the entire XY half of the Pack. Also, the normal human ways of marking an individual as mated don't work well for lycans. Jewelry doesn't cooperate with the shifting process, and the healing factor negates most forms of tattooing and scarification. Also, there is the metaphysical component, which plays such a large part in all werewolf society.

There are two Marks, the first physical and highly visible. It is triggered by the conscious desire to mate, having found someone who's willing to mate with you, and in part by the moon and the combined metaphysical bond that links all of the Pack.

The First Mark

The First mark is given on or near the full moon, though there are exceptions to this. This may or may not be a public event, but First Marks are always displayed during the Lycaeus, if they are not created during it. It normally occurs during sex, if the desire between the pair to bond is strong. There is a perception of a flash of bright light and an extremely pleasurable sensation of heat flashing across the skin. Both wolves are left with an intricate, biological pattern across their left shoulder and chest. It looks like a photo of lightning, with all a bolt's intricate side-branches, or a tracing of the nerves or capillaries-- a very dense, vining pattern.

It's visible as dark pigmentation on light skin or pelts, or a lack of pigmentation on dark skins and pelts. It does not cause any pain and it is not an injury.

The intervening time until the second full moon is a more intense courtship period.

On the Second full moon, there is a formal announcement to the Pack, and the male chases his beloved to gain a consummation that's as formal and legal as a marriage license for humans-- and far more binding, usually. Most werewolves do mate for life. 

The Luna and the Alpha go for a run in which the Alpha must chase the Luna. An un- mated wolf can place a mark during the run, and that would break the original marking.

Challenged Chase

The period between the time of the First Marking and the Second can be seized as a last-ditch window of opportunity by a spurned suitor to regain lost favor. However, this doesn't include sexual contact by the interloper. That would break the Marking-- and normally, by the time a pair is close enough emotionally to trigger the first Marking, the chances of infidelity are minute.

If some of the Pack feels like the proposed union is a bad idea, they will join the Chase with intent to interfere. Only the un- mated can place the Mark during the pack run, the others who are mated and don't agree with the pairing just try and prevent the pair from meeting. If the moon sets and the pair haven't met up and made the Second marking, the First Marking vanishes. If an interloper wins the Chase, then he/she will break the original Marking and will take the place of the defeated rival as bearer of the First Marking.

On the next full moon, there is guaranteed to be a challenged Chase between the two rivals and their mutual beloved. Whoever wins that Chase is the beloved's mate.

Far more often, however, the Pack agrees with the lovers' choice and follows along at a slight distance as witnesses.

The Second Mark

The First Marking may be a private event, but the Second Marking is a permanent, metaphysical link that is created from the power raised by the Pack during the Chase, then channeled into the mating pair to form the bond. It is permanent (unless broken before the Pack) and considered a blessing on the union, for it is given by the elders and the Pack.

It is invisible, unlike the First Mark, but as instantly recognizable by any wolf. It is almost impossible to describe how one knows the marital status of another wolf-- it has been said that to try is similar to the task of describing the color blue to someone born blind. It is simply unmistakable, and almost always honored.

After the chase there is a ceremony, a ceremony similar to a wedding in which the mated pair receive the second mark. For regular pack members the wedding is a traditional pack affair. For the Alpha and Luna the wedding is an extravagant union that pack members, as well as neighboring allied packs *

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