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"Hay yo bitch, get yo lazy ass up!" Taco yelled as they pulled you out of your bed and on to your floor.

"You know, if I had a death note, your name would the first to go in it."
Your friend laughed as they left the room closing the door behind them as you got up and dressed. You went into the kitchen where Taco was ranting to your mom about how sexy Sans was and your mom looked like she was going to kill them. You silently got food and ate it. Yummy. It tasted like shit. Anyway~, you grabbed Taco and headed outside to wait for the hell train- I mean lovely school bus.
When your bus driver who we're gonna call... Shit Stain pulled up and opened the doors for you guys, she told you two to "hurry the fuck up"- what a nice bus driver. You guys got on and the bus drove off to school.

You guys are at school now, yay....! The only good part about that was that you got to meet some monsters who also attended the school now. You and Taco said good bye as you both went to your separate classes. You sat in the middle of the class room because the teacher'll catch you playing with something you're not supposed to and also the back of the room was filled with dick, aka other school "people".

Just then the teacher announced that there was a new kid causing the other kids to groan. Why most people here hated new kids was beyond you and when he stepped into the classroom you nearly peed yourself.
"Alright dip shit, tell everyone your fucking name." The teacher told the kid as the boy cringed. He turned to face the class as he said "Hello everyone, nice to meet you- my name's Frisk and I hope we can be friends."

Frisk and Chara x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now