Where am I?

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Mothers P.O.V.

Where is Chrystal! She has been gone for 30 minutes it's now 9:30 she was suppose to get home at 8:30!!

I'am going to call Daren? Was that his name yeah it was.....

"Hello Ms.Delgracy

Hi Daren, Have you seen Chrystal she has been gone for 30 minutes!

"Wait what... I saw her run down the short cut way to your house

She what omg omg Daren come over now


Omg where the hell is my daughter!?

I heard a knock on my door I opened it and Daren Rushed into the house I started Interrogating him (not in a way to Torture him)

why didn't you WALK HER home?

"Yeah I asked her and she just ran off because she said that you wanted her home at 8:30

Yeah and she went through the forest way?


Do you think the person who always contact her, might've KIDNAPPED MY DAUGHTER!!?

"Oh MY!!! "

We have to call the Police!

"I WILL Go looking for her in the forest right now"

No Daren, Don't go it's Dangerous right now get some sleep

"No she is my Friend!

SHE is my daughter! Just get some sleep I'll try to figure this out in the morning.

Chrystal P.O.V

I'm in the back of  Nash Truck,
My face is covered in blood my Knees are covered in blood also!
I have a deep gash going down my neck!


It looks like he pulled over to a gas station! It looks like it's my time to escape but how?

I finally thought of a plan! I started kicking on the door with my other foot, it created a huge dent on the TRUCK!

I did it one last time but the truck door opened! It was Nash!

"Looks Like I'm going to have to tie you down and , you can never break out of this truck!

I gave him a nasty look and charged straight at him then I thought to myself shit my ankles!
I forgot about my broken ankle and I Tackled him to the ground.

I started throwing punches in his face, he pleading for me to stop, but I continued!

I knocked him out cold, I got up and started to run but as was running I felt something tackled me!

There is going to be a huge twist! Hopefully you guys will like it!

Don't forget to hit that "🌟" it will really mean a lot to me if you did!

Also I do accept Spelling Errors just leave them down below "💬" and also I would love to hear your feedback on the comment section Down below!

I will be making chapter 7, will be released in 3 hours! 

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