9/2/16- Part 1

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September 2nd, 2016 was the best day of my small life, and will forever be the greatest day of my small life.

The morning started like any other morning: feeling like I needed to vomit at 4:41 in the morning. I ran to the bathroom and threw up my own spit, luckily no actually sickness. After which I tried to fall back asleep but knew I couldn't so I worked on a chapter, which was posted that same morning.

I sat in bed DM'ing my best internet friend evpsd10 We were both so excited that I was seeing Newsies. I finished getting dressed and shoved my bags into the car, ready for the day. The plan of the day was: drop my sister off at school, go to DMV to take permit test then pick up my sister and begin the drive to LA. The plan got a little messed up when I failed my permit test after sitting in the DMV for three hours. Nothing is more frustrating than the DMV, but I just kept reminding myself: Newsies soon.

After the epic failure that was my permit test, we picked up my sister, got some Taco Bell and hit the road, ready for our four hour drive. We blasted show tunes from multiple musicals in the car and I answered some questions on my insta story. Out of impulse, I brought my extra stationary and in the car I began to write Ben Cook and Kara Lindsay letters because what if?

Both letters looked like the were written by a cave man but I didn't care. We pulled over at the base of the grapevine to change into our clothes for the show and I looked rull cute. A pink sweater and a black dress with my black high top converse and my newsies cap. My sister looked rull cute as well. We drove the last hour and a half and made it to the theater. At 3:45. The show was at 8. So we managed our time wisely and went to Starbucks. As we walked to Starbucks, I saw the back of Jacob (or David) Guzman. He was too far for me too scream at him so I didn't. After sitting at Starbucks for I while I trusted my gut. My gut said "go sit outside the Dunkin Donuts across the street from the stagedoor." I followed my gut and it was the best decision ever made. The Dunkin Donuts had an indoor sitting area and an outdoor area. My sister, hating the sun, requested sitting inside. I eventually moved outside, I liked it better.

After a dead time, from the stagedoor emerged one named Michael Rios followed by an Anthony Zas. I ran to the outside and shouted "Anthony Zas! Michael Rios! Hi!" They both looked up smiled and waved, causing my heart to melt. Then out the door came the one and only, Andy Richardson. I screamed "Andy Richardson, I love you!" Andy smiled largely and signed back to me thank you or I love you too, I don't know because I don't sign language.

After Andy, the stage door was quiet for a few minutes before out came two of my favorite humans: Kara Lindsay and Tommy Bracco. I screamed at the top of my lungs, "Kara! Tommy! Hi!" They both waved and I continued with, "Kara, I named your frogs a few years ago!" She smiled so largely and Tommy did this cute little thing where he put his hands on the side of his face and pretended to have a fangirl attack. They walked on.

Next came a large group, with a few members that I recognized almost instantly. Among the group were: Joshua Burrage, Sky Flaherty, Nick Masson, Jordan Samuels, Jack Sippel and a few more. I stood up and screamed "Joshua Burrage, hi!" He looked up, smiled so genuinely and waved. I even heard him reply with a loud "Hi!" Than I proceeded to scream at the rest of the group members, calling them all out by name and adding a hi.

The peculiar thing is that unlike the groups and individuals prior. This group had stopped and was now standing in a clump by the stagedoor. Suddenly the door swung open again and another member joined the group. This moment was like the moments in movies when the camera focuses on one character as opposed to a large group of characters, singling an individual out as a protagonist and make sure you knew that they individual was important. It was a very short moment but it's a moment I'll remember forever. The individual even swung around the stagedoor gate like a movie character then ran a hand through his gorgeous hair. This is individual was none other than Ben Tyler Cook.

The Greatest Day Ever (9/2/16)Where stories live. Discover now