Prologue: "Help Me."

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"Inside Out" The Chainsmokers
"Scars to Your Beautiful" Alessia Cara



Connor's doorbell went off, signalling the arrival of Tyler Oakley, one of his many best friends. Sighing, Connor made his way to the door, placing his mug of freshly-made coffee on the table. Imagine his surprise when he opened the door to see a teary-eyed Tyler Oakley.

"Hey, Con." Tyler sighed gloomily. Connor stepped aside to let the boy in, cringing slightly at the sad vibes that wavered off of him.

"Hey Tyler. What happened? Oh lord, did Alfie prank you again?" Connor bombarded the young boy with questions. Tyler pushed his index finger to Connor's lips, shutting him up.

"I made one of the biggest mistakes ever." Tyler replied, collapsing, face-first, into the comfort of Connor's couch. He heard Connor's feet patterning slightly against the wooden floor as Connor headed into the kitchen to make Tyler a cup of coffee, which he gladly took.

"What happened?" Connor asked, fascinated. What could Tyler have done to make himself so upset?

What Tyler told Connor next completely stunned him. Partially because it was Tyler Oakley. Sure, he could hurt or punch someone, but the tension would never last long. Connor would've never imagined Tyler hurting someone that bad.

"I rejected my best friend.." Tyler started. Before Connor could even have the chance to open his mouth, Tyler cut him off. "We were sitting on my couch, discussing the internet and life and all that jazz. That's when he started pouring his heart out to me.." Tyler sniffled, his tears becoming more visible. Connor nodded his head as Tyler went on, "But I rejected him, telling him he was too young for me and that he should just forget it. He slapped me and just.. Left."

Connor blinked, the gears in his brain turning. Wait, so he poured his heart out to you.. And you just... Rejected his love? Connor wanted to ask, but bit his tongue to keep himself quiet. He knew the subject still hadn't quite sunk in yet. It was still too sensitive to question.

"Oh.. Who?" Connor asked Tyler, who sipped his coffee as Connor broke the silence that had overtaken the room.

"This guy.. He's a Youtuber, too.. His name's Troye Sivan. Ever heard?" Tyler asked. Connor nodded.

"A few times. Once, maybe twice. But not much. I didn't realise he was one of your best friends. Why haven't you told me?" Connor asked, his thoughts fluttering to the young Australian, whom he had yet to study and become obsessed with.

"Yeah, we met a while ago. He comforted me when you went back to Minnesota for a while and I was getting a bunch of hate." Tyler explained, his eyes glistening as he remembered the good times he and Troye had spent together. "I miss him."

"Okay. So.. Why are you coming to me for this?" Connor asked, confused at why his friend would want to ask him something but instead headed over and poured out his biggest regret.

"Well.. I was wondering if you could befriend Troye? He needs a place to live and you seemed like the perfect person to go to. I can tell he feels misplaced at my house.. Plus, you can stalk him for me. I need to know how he's doing.." Tyler began to ramble about Troye. Connor listened with interest, considering how it would be if he had a roommate. Perhaps it'll be a fun experience. He thought to himself.

"Okay, I'll do it."

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