My one and only

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The sweet smell of pancakes wafting through the house woke me up. I opened my eyes to a very smiley Brad wearing his 'kiss me, I'm the chef' apron, holding a tray with a stack on pancakes on them.

'Good morning beautiful' he sat down next to me before planting a kiss on my forehead.

'Good morning' I kissed him back. 'You beat me to it! I was planning on making you breakfast in bed!'

'Well that's what you get for being lazy' he stuck his tongue out at me.

'Happy Anniversary!' We both shouted simultaneously.

Today is 2 years since I officially became Mrs Simpson. Well, Carter-Simpson. Yes, I decided to keep my last name. Not because I didn't love Brad but because I just wanted to. I do refer to myself as Mrs Simpson to other people though, just to make it easier. Every time I say it, I still pinch myself because it doesn't feel real. It only feels like yesterday Brad proposed to me at my graduation!

After I graduated, Brad went off on a world tour with the boys while I started my new job as an acting coach. We were both pretty busy that year so we held off getting married until the following year. Brad finished touring half-way into the year and finally came home for 2 months. In that time we managed to pick a date for the wedding and get nearly everything sorted. The wedding was everything I could have ever wished for. I know my dad was looking down over me that day. I'm pretty sure I caught Tris crying a couple of times throughout the night also. Taylor and him are very much still together and they also moved into a flat in London. Mum met a guy from her salsa dancing classes and he's great. I'm just glad she's not alone in the house.

Brad and the boys have had an amazing 2 years and it just keeps getting better! He's off for the week and the timing couldn't be anymore perfect. I may not have been able to make him breakfast in bed this morning but I cannot wait to give him his present.

'Okay, close your eyes and hold out your hands!'

'Did you get me a puppy?!' He yelled.

'Yes Brad, I've been hiding a puppy in the flat all this time, she's really good at staying quiet and playing hide and seek' I laughed.

'I detect a hint of sarcasm in your voice'

I laughed again. 'Just hold out your hands, and no peeking!'

'Okay, okay'

He held out his hands and I placed a box in his hand 'Okay, open your eyes!'

'You got me a new watch?!'

'Open it and find out' I had a huge grin on my face.

'You got me tissue paper?'

My grin dropped. 'Unwrap the tissue paper, stupid'

'You got me a stick?'

'Turn it over' I said softly.

'Why is there a cross on it? Did I find treasure?!'

'Brad, do you know what you're holding?'

'Yes Jas, I'm not an idiot. I'm holding a white stick with a cross on it'

'True' I giggled. 'Well, your actual present won't be here until another 9 months so you'll have to bare with me'

'So I did find treasure?! Is it a car?!'

'Oh my gosh Brad, I don't know if you're playing stupid or you actually are stup-'

'But wait!' He interrupted me. 'Why is my present going to take 9 months? Is it being hand-made or something?'

I stayed silent.

'Jas? What takes 9 months? And why do I have to bare with you?' He looked down at the stick and his eyes widened. He looked to me then to the stick then back to me again.

I couldn't hold in my smile anymore, I began tearing up.

'Jas' he whispered. 'Are-are we having a-a baby?'

I nodded while smiling. 'Happy Anniversary Brad'

'Are you being serious?! We're having a baby?! You mean there will be a mini Brad or a mini Jas running around soon?!'

'Yes, yes and yes Brad. We're having a baby!' I laughed while tears rolled down my face.

'I can't believe this! I can't wait!' He picked me up and spun me around.

'Not too fast Brad, I'm carrying our child' I giggled.

'Oh yeah, I forgot!' We sat down on the bed. 'I-I can't believe this Jas. We're actually going to have our own little family!'

'I know' I wiped the tears from his face. 'It's everything we've ever dreamed of B'

'I'm over the moon right now Jas, we're actually having a family of our own!' He hugged me tight. 'I love you Jas, and you too mini Carter-Simpson' he kissed my stomach.

'Actually Brad, just Simpson'


'We're having a mini Simpson' I smiled.


*9 months later*

Welcome to the world, Lily Simpson.

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