Hi, I'm Tigress. I am the leader of a band of teen girls between the age of 12 and 16 who are tough, smart, and have good instincts. Everybody knows the lost boys but we seem to be unheard of in most parts of the world. The lost boys ask us for help with the big battles with Captain Hook and his scraggy scrawny band of no good bandits and we gladly oblige. We are all trained in archery, staffs, and in most cases (we have a few exceptions) Tae Kwon Do. We also have around 20 dogs that help us with our work. In the annual games we always cream the lost boys in skijoring and dog sledding. We also have a decent amount of other animal helpers that we happen upon, most of the animals in neverland are our friends. But the mermaids hate us so we stay away from them most of the time. And thats the just of it. We go on awesome adventures most of the dangerous but all exciting. So now I've got to go train my faithful dogs and hit the sack!! See you soon troopers!!!
( Hi guys this is agentSGR and I was wondering if you would like to become some lost girls as well!! Please comment an animal name, looks, personality, and animal friends of choice and I will put you guys into my story!! I love writing so this should be really fun. I will try to update once a week and I'm always open to suggestions. So see you troopers agentSGR out! )
The Lost Girls of Neverland
AdventureEverybody has heard of the lost boys and Peter Pan right? But have you heard of Tigress and the lost girls? This is written from Tigresses pov and it has Peter Pan and his lost boys popping up throughout. I hope you enjoy!! ...