I Am Bored Right Now + Tip 3

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As I said in the title I am bored. I am writing this so when you're bored I can share my experience with you. Also I can use my boredom to find a way to cure yours.

The first thing that I feel is that I don't know what to do. Then my mind races with things that I could do until I find one that simply stands out in the crowd. It just pops out and then I go do it! There are certain things that really seem like I would want to do and others that just seem bad. For instance, when you grow out of something like Dora The Explorer you find no interest in it and then you find things like American Ninja Warrior (something I enjoy :D). You just don't enjoy like you did. That is what your mind should do, race to find something that you want to do.

Another thing my mind does is daydream sometimes. Not the daydream that you're thinking of where you just sit there looking stupid with drool coming out of your mouth and just dreaming when your physical body is awake. No! The daydream I'm thinking of is sort of similar but then again not really. It is when you are still conscious of your surroundings and you just rest your head on your hand that's propped up by your arm.

 It is when you are still conscious of your surroundings and you just rest your head on your hand that's propped up by your arm

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Something like that. Up there. And yes I drew that. And yes I know that its bad but I used a really small device and it is baaaaaaddd.... I really actually have no excuse but whatever.

That is the daydream I am talking about.

I just do that positon and think about things happening like school work and just random things.

Now its time for..............................................................................................................................

TIP TIME!!!!!!!

or trick..

Ok. so the trick I have today for you for boredomness is to listen to music you know and like!

When you listen to it you automatically want to sing along and maybe even dance a little! You automatically arern't bored anymore because you don't "lack intrest in anything".

Go ahead and try it! It works for me!

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 05, 2016 ⏰

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