the lucky one ♥

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All day I was texting my love and hanging out with prod my best friend again i am so happy we are friends again

prod:(siting on the bed)

y/n:it's so boring (lays down)

prod: yeah it is (lays down)

y/n:(punch him in the arm)

prod: oww why did u do that for

y/n:I am bored so we should fight

prod:your on (punch u in the arm and gets on top)

y/n:prod get off of me

prod:(gets up and laughs)

y/n:(push him to the ground)

prod:(trips me)

y/n:(I am on top of him)

prod: This feels weird

y/n:yeah it does(gets off of him)

prod: hey u dirty my shirt

y/n:aww I am not ganna clean it

prod:(laughs) I will do it at him

y/n:I need water u want one

prod: Yeah sure

y/n:(goes downstairs and sees ray)

ray:hey y/n can we talked

y/n:yeah sure

ray:when are we ganna be together

y/n:in the long run you will be with me but right now be friends

ray:yeah still friends(smile)


I went to the kitchen and got two water bottles for me and prod and went upstairs

prod: thanks


prod: so u and roc are u guys okay

y/n:yeah we are okay now he is my lucky one

prod: yeah I wish me that girl Tatiana last but we didn't

y/n:(rolls her eyes)yeah but you will find a Better girl

prod: I did

y/n:who is it

prod: didi


prod: I liked her since middle school

y/n:did u know I liked ray in middle school

prod:No way

y/n:yeah I did and when I went to high school I liked him more

prod: wow that's crazy

y/n:yeah it is

prod: okay I have to go bye best friend (hugs me)

y/n:(hugs back)

my phone started to ring and it was roc so I answer it

call conversation

roc: hey beautiful

y/n:aww hey

roc: I am tired I wanting to say good night to you

y/n:see good night to you too babe

roc: bye babe love you

y/n:love you too(hangs up)

I got up pit on my pj and went to sleep and the next morning I dis not hear my brother  I check my phone and I had 3 messages one from ray and the second one was Pablo and the third one was roc

my and Pablo text conversation

Pablo: hey

y/n:hey (:

Pablo:wyd (:

y/n:nothing and you? (:

Pablo: nothing just bored here in El Paso

y/n:Lol loser

Pablo: shut up(:

y/n:Lol so why you text me for

Pablo:umm Oh yeah Irving ask for you and I show him a picture of you and he said your hot and beautiful

y/n:aww tell him thanks

Pablo:I will and how are u? (:

y/n:I am doing okay and you


y/n:okay that's good I gtg bye

Pablo:bye beautiful

the lucky one ♥Where stories live. Discover now