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Next chapter! Just so you know i'll update everyday now that i can. But when school will start then....... i'll just die! Anyway i don't own fairy tail.
Lucy's pov

Natsu fell asllep again. He must be really tired. "What are we gonna do, master?" Master thinks for awhile and then says.

"We don't have any other choice. Lucy, Gray, Erza, Wendy, Happy and Charle ( i think that's how you spell it). You have to take care of them until we find a way to turn them back."

*end flashback*

And so here we are in my house looking after them. "Wait, why are we at my place, again?" I said in pissed off voice. "Because it's the one that's closer to the guild. And because erza told us to come here." Gray replied whispering the last part.

"There is something that you want to say, Gray?" Erza asked making her scary face. "No ma'am".

I sighed. Natsu is sleeping in my room while zeref is with us, sleeping in the couch. I don't know why but for some reason he somehow looks like natsu, with black hair. And he is really cute making this peacefull face. I really can't believe that something soooo cute can bring so much suffering.

" i wonder what happened." I said and receved quetioning looks from everyone. "I mean, look at him" i point to zeref. "It's like he sleeps peaceful after a really long time. And he seems really lonely." Then natsu sterted screaming.

Natsu's pov
In his dream

Nii-san and i are in the house. Dad is out but i don't know where. Then mom comes in and says. "Zeref, take natsu and leave. It's too dangerous to stay here." "What about you mom?" I ask as fear builts in me. "I have to go and help." Mom hugs us and leave

I started crying. I don't want mom to leave. Nii- san takes my hand and starts running. When we get out of the house i saw something that i will never forget. There was blood and corpses everywhere. I look at the sky and see dragons. We arrive at the forest that was near and esceped. Or that's what i thought.

I looked at me and gasped. I was older, way older. I look up and see a dark silhouette. I couldn't see his face. Then he attacked me. But the attack never hits me. Nii-san, who was older too, protected me. This attach almost cut him in the half.

I started screaming. Then i woke up.

Zeref's pov

I was half-asleep when i heard natsu screaming. I got up and saw people where in the same room as me. But i didn't pay attension to them. I run where i heard natsu and burst in.

I go where natsu is. I climb on the bed and try to calm him down. I touch my forhead to his and make him look at me. "Natsu is me, zeref. Calm down. Calm down." I said and his breathing slowes down. "N-nii-san?" "It's alright natsu. Whatever you saw it was only a dream, alright?" He nodded and hugs me.

I stroke his hair which always makes him calm down. While i do this he explains me his dream. "Nii-san i miss mom and dad." I miss them too natsu. But we have to be string and continue live alright?" Natsu nods
"Nii-san, can you tell me mom's lullaby?"

I start humming

You've got it all
You lost your mind in the sound
There's so much more
You can reclaim you crown
You're in control
Rid of the monster inside your head
Put all your faults to bed
You can be king again

Natsu fell asleep. I fell asleep beside him too.


That's for now. If anyone want to know the song's name is "you can be king again". It's not a lullaby but it was the best that i found. Until next time. Bb

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