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As i walk away from the gates of hell erm sorry school, i kept my head down, not looking around that would create suspicion and i dont need that again. i already had enough suspicion with my black hair that i say keeps my secrets then laugh at how insane that sounds, but i only laugh in the comfort of my "home", it never really was comforting, my parents always up my ass about how i got black hair with thier blonde heads, when its quite obvious my mom cheated on him. my hair is long seeing as i only trim it, it goes down past my waist but only half way down my butt in really tight ringlets, my eyes are blue like my dads, and im pretty short 5'2. F.E.A.R runs everything, it stands for, For Each and Every Religion, yea every religion other than atheist, every religion my ass. Music is not allowed the children arent allowed to even know what music is, but i often sing to myself songs that seem to came to me from several men and woman, and thereis instremants playing as well, i dont know where they come from but like them, they all speak of rebellion. Church is mandatory, everybody must go unless you are on deaths door you have to go. the minions roam the streets looking for hero's or what they call rebels, i call them hero's because they had the courage to run into the desert, i havnt seen one but i know thier there. They all wear black paint, they live in the desert somehow. i wish i had the courage to join them but they live soo far out into the desert nobody would make it!!

as i see the outline of the house i live in, yea you heard me right i said house i dont call it a home because its never been a place where i could speak freely or act like myself, i would be even more of a disgrace than already am. i walk into my room the only place i can be free to myself, but i only have a moment because i have to get ready fo church, well i really only have to put on a dress, so i sit on my window seat and look out the window thinking to myself how much life sucks here in the middle of nowhere, i have heard stories about a time before F.E.A.R, when there was green feilds and beautiful trees. But thats all in the past now, i gaze out the window to see a boy bout my age dressed in all black and had black paint on his body, he caught my gaze and looked at me for a moment then he smiled and winkedand put his finger to his lips, i grabed a peice of paper and pen and wrote what are you doing here? i held up the sign and put my finger to my lips mimicking him by smiling he pointed to the church i saw people filing in, i turned back only to see him walking away, i caught a glimps of his vest it said The Destroyer it intregued me but i knew i hd to get a dress on and run to church. i grabbed a light purple dress and threw it on throwing my hair up in a bun and quicktly putting on convers and then running to church, i snuck in and sat on a wooden pew taking out my bible. you know after sitting on a wooden pew and reading hymes for 2 hours gets really boring. Then there was a scream i look up to see another man in black paint with a knife to the preachers neck, then the windows shattered more people in paint shoved through them getting into the church and haveing a skirmish with the minions i saw an exit and went for it ut bumped strait into The Destroyer

Destroyer: fancy seeing you here

Kat: hmmm you too

I looked behind me to see a minion anout the throw a bomb at us


Destroyer: what?

it was too late, i tackled him knocking us both to the ground narrowly missing getting hit by a bomb

Destroyer: you just saved a rebels life

Kat: every one deserves a chance to live, no matter who they are, and the minions are sons of bitches and they all hate me anyways, and life here suck bu oyu know gotta go

i said getting uo and walking to the house whom i live, i went to my room and changed to my pj's and let my mind wonder as i layed in bed that night, it wondered to a song i named this one In The End, and drifted off to sleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 09, 2013 ⏰

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