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  Sydney's POV
I was driving back to the police station when a truck drove into the side of my car. My car skidded along the road until it ran into the side of a building. I was bleeding from my head, my legs, and pretty much every limb on my body. I crawled out of my car, the driver got out of his truck and started walking towards me, gun in hand. I pulled out my gun from my holster and aimed at him, I shot four times in his direction. I got up and started running away, I crossed the street and ran through an alleyway. I started running as fast as my legs could push towards the police station, my hair whipping around behind me. I kept on running, I nearly got hit by another car. The man who was trying to kill me turned the corner and started driving towards me. I turned and ran through another alley. I ran and ran until my legs felt like jelly. I was about to collapse but I kept going. I saw the police station a few blocks ahead of me. I started running as fast as I could towards the building. The truck was right behind me, I ran through the doors and yelled, "Steven!" He ran through the hall with William in tow. William had his arm in a cast. They both had guns in their hands. "An operative is trying to kill me." They ran outside and started shooting at the truck. I ran outside and started doing the same thing. The truck started driving straight towards us. We jumped out of the way at the last second. The truck crashed into the wall behind us. The door to the truck opened, and the operative ran into the police station. We followed him, he turned around and shot Steven in the stomach. I ran to Steven, while William emptied his clip into the killer.
"It's alright," I told him my voice shaking. "It's okay," I told him reassuringly, I was starting to cry.
"You know, I never thought I would  go this way," he said. "I thought I would die with you in my 80's, our kids would grow up and have families," he told me. I was freely crying now.
"I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry," I told him over and over again. I grabbed his hand.
"It's okay, you and I had some good times. Its been quit an adventure," he told me. He coughed up some blood. "Thank you, for making my life not boring," he told me, I was sobbing now.
"I love you," I told him
"I love you, too," I kissed him. His heart stopped beating. William walked up to me and tried to help me up. "Get away from me!" I screamed at him. He backed away and started cleaning up the room.
William's POV
Well, that was dramatic. It's like in the movies when someone dies. I grabbed the foot of Steven's killer and dragged him outside. I dumped him on the ground, I walked back inside. Sydney was still sitting by Steven, holding his hand. I walked into the back room and started cleaning stuff up. I picked up the door and dragged it into the shooting range. I picked up all the grenades and other stuff like that. I put them all in their place's and walked outside to see Sydney standing in front of two burning bodies, I tried comforting her, but she just turned around and walked past me, back into the police station. I stood there and stared through the flames. I turned back around and walked in the police station. I walked in the police station, and looked around for Sydney and found her asleep in a chair. I walked outside and got on my bike. This should be hard, I've never driven a bike one handed. I started it up and started driving. It was wobbly, but I eventually got the hang of it. I drove back to my apartment and got off. I walked inside and up the elevator. I then realized it was all my fault that Steven died. I walked in my apartment, I looked around and saw four guns pointed at my face. "Well, this isn't how I wanted us to meet, but I guess this is how it had to happen." My old boss said.
"Well, at least I want to die," I told him sarcastically. The door behind me opened and my neighbor, Camron, came in.
"What the hell is going on in here," Camron said, pulling out a gun. The soldiers were focused on him, so I pulled out my gun and shot them. My boss turned around and jumped through the window. I followed closely behind. I jumped down onto the railing of the metal stairs. I jumped down onto the metal floor, but my boss was already gone. I ran down the steps and jumped through the hole on through the stairs. I landed on the ground and saw my boss already in his car and driving off. Even though I knew it was a lost cause, but I ran after him. When the car was a few miles away, I finally stopped. I ran back to my apartment, and thanked Camron. I walked back up the stairs and went in my apartment. I closed the door, I looked around the room to make sure that everything was clear. I walked to my fridge and heated up some waffles. I waited a couple of minutes until it was ready. I ate my waffles, I pulled off my clothes and my holsters. It was kinda hard when you have to use one hand, which was is in a cast. I walked into my room and put on my sweat pants and tank top. I layed on my bed and tried to go to sleep. I couldn't go to sleep, because of the pain and guilt. I walked back into my living room and turned on the on the news. The picture showed the police station in flames. So, either an operative set it on fire, or Sydney couldn't take it anymore and set it on fire, which was most likely. I passed out watching the news. My dreams were filled with death.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 05, 2016 ⏰

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